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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Could you tell me where the induction pipe is and what it looks like - I feel I'm going to have to go back to Ford and I'd like to appear to know what I'm talking about. Where abouts on the sill does the heater go in?? Thanks If you look uner the car, under the rear passenger door side you should see the Aux Heater bolted underneath the car if you put your head right under in the area of the heater you will see two metal pipes coming from underneath the heater. One goes to the exhaust which points towards the rear drivers side of the car the other disappears forward and into the sill of the car through a grommet. I'll try and upload a photo but not too sure if i have that capability yet?
  2. Many thanks. I think I will have to. Is it just me that has had smoke in the car??? Lots of people have had mentioned smoke, but I just assumed that they meant that it was coming into the car as well. This is really worrying. Can anyone suggest why or how it is coming in? It was coming in through the hole where the seat belt comes out of, and through the vent above the wheel in the back - just below where my two yr sits!!!!! Thanks It's hard to imagine how fumes/smoke from the aux heater exhaust can be getting into the car unless there is a window open or it is being drawn into the conditioning system but I do not think that is normal and wouldn't happen with the car moving forward. The exhaust is external to the car blowing towards the offside rear passenger door. There might be a slight diesel smell inside the cabin (from people getting in and out with the aux heater running) but it should not be significant. If you can actually see smoke or fumes in the car then I would definately get it seen to ASAP and minimise driving in it.
  3. I small amount of greyish smoke is normal during initial operation of the aux heater, may last for a few minutes and may be more noticeable if you stop (say at traffic lights) early in the journey. It should only happen on cool/cold days with a cool/cold engine. If the car is still under warranty then I would be straight back to the dealer and say that it is unacceptable and in no way should any of these fumes be entering the car!
  4. If you're still around follow this link to the thread. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ensor&st=75
  5. Welcome to the growing throng of Aux Heater Mechanics!! I'm guessing the garage means the glow plug in the Aux Heater fitted under the passenger side cill. My MkII 1.9 TDI 2004 has same problem and am checking it out this pm. New glow plug is around
  6. Thanks for offer of new glow plug. I'll PM you if needed which I'm sure I will. The VAG-COM check failed, my mate was using version 4 software on his laptop which worked on my Mk1 Galaxy (and various VWs) but wouldn't commmunicate with my MkII?? Couldn't find on the forum what the minimum software standard is for MkII (he has up to version 6 but not loaded on the laptop). The aux heater doesn't seem to be working at all now +3 this morning and no smoke or rocket sounds from under the car!
  7. Hey thanks for that just found it under the fuse box and yes it is pink! It's raining here and I now have soggy socks! I'll let you know what the VAG COM says 2 mo. Aux Heater in bits at weekend I think!
  8. I've searched the forum as best I can but I cannot find a post that tells me where the VAG-COM connector is located on a MKII Galaxy (2004 1.9TDI Ghia). I've got a mate doing a diagnostic check 2 mo to help trouble shoot smoke from AUX Heater (glow plug ?). On Mk1 behind ash tray! Where is it on MKII.
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