Hi all, I have an '07 plate 2.0 TDCI Ghia. What I thought was a power steering fault developed at 12,000 miles where the steering, when cold, seemed to stick slightly. Those of you in the know would suspect a sticking spool valve in the rack. My local dealer checked it out and said that all of the Galaxies in the dealer at that time did the same. I have now covered almost 24,000 miles and it is booked in for its second service tomorrow. The steering fault is now so severe that, in very cold conditions, the first couple of turns it seems to have no power steering at all, as I apply more force to the wheel it suddenly releases, throwing me into a turn and almost out of my seat at times! As I'm expecting the usual "no fault found" response from the dealer, has anyone else experienced this fault? Should they not find anything I think the steering may seize, throwing me through the showroom window, they might change their mind then!! :P