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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Banjo-kipper

  1. Problem solved, it was the wiper motor catching the alarm wire and shorting across it, price to fix?
  2. Luckily we have three Years AA warrenty on it, my dearest looks after that lot cos if it aint got strings I'm hopeless, cheers Kipper
  3. I have found the best way to cure a man-flu epidemic, is to drown it in copious amounts of strong European Fizzy Lager, rubbed librally from the inside :ph34r: trouble is the bad head after, doh.
  4. Hi All, I found this web site when I was looking for an answer to wiper/car-alarm problems, but I am pleased this site has a lot more than moans about the Galaxy. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/kippertranter/galaxy.jpg This is my Galaxy, I should have realised there would be problems when I bought it in September 07. When I picked it up the front wipers wern't working. The sales company replaced the motors and now this week a problem of when the bleeding things are switched on the car-alarm horn sounds every time they reach the bottom position, oh happy days :ph34r: and of course the air con dosent work even though the sales co say they had it regassed :D But any way I will try to seek the answers I need, but I away from the car, I enjoy playing bluegrass/oldtime music on my banjo and getting drunk around my chimnea of a Saturday night Cheers Kipper
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