Hello everyone, i think this is a great site with loads of good info... i like most people bought my Sharan VR6 auto P reg before i found this site , could of saved myself a lot of grief..... That said i must admit i love the Sharan . unfortunately autobox has packed up as you may know BIG BUCKS !!! to replace. Recently i purchased a Galaxly v6 manual of the same year as the sharan... Aesthetically its absolutely pants !! but mechanically very sound... Im hoping to use the GAL as a donor for the Sharan , Put the manual box on the Sharan and break the Galaxy up. I was just wondering if anyone here has attempted this before, I've tried the search facility but couldn't find anything specific. I would be grateful for any info anyone could give as I'm sure its going to be quite challenging. Anyway ill keep you informed of my progress, just waiting for the rain to stop..... I wish you all a fantastic weekend....