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    Seat Alhambra SE 1.9 DTI

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  1. Just braved the artic conditions today (-4 degrees) in Norfolk to change the glowplug. Followed the advice from this site (brilliant as always). Took about 3 hours all in, that included me going in every so often to warm up so I could feel my fingers and toes ! Luckily, the glowplug was the beru one, not the more expensive one with wires. Bought it from vwspares.co.uk for about
  2. My front wipers also went last weekend, if you pulled back on the wiper stalk it operated the rear wipers. Thanks to this forum again, found it was 2nd to last 10 A Red fuse on bottom row that had blown. They seem to be going in the cold weather ! Now just got to fit the new glow plug to the booster heater, which has also gone wrong !
  3. Just a final update to this thread - air con is still working well, just in time for Autumn :lol:
  4. Just to update this, coolant level is now stable and not dropping, but took over a week of filling each day to get it like this !
  5. Thanks for replies...will keep an eye on it, but hoping it will be o.k.
  6. Thanks, so to clarify what you said, was yours dropping daily like mine at about the amount I stated?
  7. Last week I changed the coolant on the car, as it had never been done. I undid the bottom radiator connection as well as the two heater pipes towards the rear of the car to let the old coolant out. Refilled with correct amount on antifreeze, topped it up as advised on this forum by leaving cap off, running engine, etc. What seems to be happening now, one week on, is that the coolant level in the header tank seems to be dropping by approx 2-3mm per day. Filled it up to maximum line yeterday evening and this morning it had dropped by above amount. I have checked all the places where I removed pipes and they are watertight. I also jacked car up and looked along all pipe runs, as best as I could, and no leaks anywhere that I can see. Is this normal after an antifreeze change - it is a long pipe run on these cars and yet it doesn't have any bleeding places, so wondering if there is some air still in there, as I definitely cannot see any noticeable leaks? Any advice appreciated.
  8. I chnaged mine at just under 40,000 miles
  9. I got mine regassed at KwikFit. Worked a treat for three weeks then packed in. I have a leak somewhere. Unfortunately, welcome to the world of air con problems associated with this vehicle ! :huh:
  10. MrT, thank you for your input. I have just checked and it does turn off in econ mode.
  11. Thanks for that info - put my mind at rest - as was wondering whether it still wasn't working right with it being on all the time !
  12. Thanks again, put my mind at ease a bit now, as was wondering whether I had a leak, although I couldn't see one !
  13. Have taken the car out for a couple of rides this afternoon - and have noticed the top up vessel seems to empty below the minimum mark, meaning I have to top up the antifreeze a litttle bit. Can't see any leaks, though ! Is this normal once you have drained / filled the system again until it settles down?
  14. Well, new compressor and expansion valve on and it seems to be working well (so far). Bank balance,
  15. Hi, Thanks for that...did the job this morning..about another 4 litres came out..
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