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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by silvermk2

  1. I will be selling my 04 galaxy ghia with full leather & DVD screens it has mot till may tax till aug it's in good condition & I have owned it from 2 years old. £4500 please phone me as I don't get on here much Adam 07759867866
  2. here you go mate, hope you can see http://www.edition38.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=275439
  3. I had mine fitted @ towequipe with 13 pin electrics, I had the wesfalier detatch fitted for
  4. 8v on carbs? 16v yes but 8v inlet is on the wrong side & very tight anyway, if you can afford a 16v on carbs though you should get more power approx 160-170bhp
  5. my engine is a C&R built 1.9 running 145bhp, got a g60 box going in as it blows diff rivets through the casing, also got edition1 g60 electric recaros going in, should be a well sorted car when it's done
  6. Here you go, it's a 90 spec 8v mk2 Golf GTi which im currently rebuilding & should be on the road in 2008 sometime http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/newsilvergti008.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/silvermk2002.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/parts001.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/silverproject006.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/silverproject004.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/silverproject007.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/silver002.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/silver001.jpg here's some of my previous golf http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/scan.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/mucsxi/silver%20gti/notts290505043.jpg let me know what you think Adam
  7. exactly what I did
  8. I always go fully comp for these very reasons, had an accident 20 years ago & it took 1 year to sort out as I was 3rd party only & had to have my own solicitor as insurance didn't really want to know same as you, last month a young lad on a scooter decided to throw his bike under my bumper & did 2k damage, Direct Line couldn't do enough for me & I have the leagal team on my side for
  9. "They are poss Frozen up" nah like I said I have had them off the car & blown them out & water is flowing through but not as it should
  10. tbh I only use water maybe this is the problem?
  11. I had to have a new clutch in my 130tdi @ 18 months old with 12k, I had poor fuel economy & Fraud told me the computer & techs couldn't find anything wrong, as I have some mechanical knowledge I sudgested the clutch was @ fault as it wasn't performing as it should & with a leanthy battle & me going in to see the manager armed with my log book & keys they changed the clutch & hey presto the fuel ecconomy is now spot on, just goes to show nothing lasts forever. Adam
  12. Hello everyone Been reading loads of good helpfull posts, I have a 04 Galaxy 130tdi ghia which we have owned for nearly 2 years. I look foreward to sharing my experiences with you all. Bye for now Adam from Nottingham
  13. Hi people Here goes with my first question, my front washer jets have blocked up, I have removed & blown out with air line both ways but still no joy really just 1 tricling & other spraying where it wants, anyone have any sudgestions how to clean out or are they now worn & new ones now required. 04 Galaxy Thanks in advance Adam
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