Let not the actions of one Judge tar the rest. I work in legal circles and there are some very good Judges on the circuit. One in particular who stood up the the last Home Secretary with some very stern words!. I would disagree with your comment of " they believe they are better than the rest of us ". Ive met a few that are very down to earth and don't abuse their status and certainly don't stick their noses up at us commoners.
I think they have started to replace all the ads with the copper and his exhaust pipe!!!. I took this at my local bus stop a few days back. Ohh btw, somebody drew a gap in her teeth!! http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc91/pmtts/DSC00032.jpg
Just a quick hello from me. I was having a quite few pints, and suddenly frogged marched to the nearest internet cafe by mumof4 to sign up!. I doubt i'll be active in every forum area but some have caught my eye already. PDM. :lol: