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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South East

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  1. I've not posted in a long time (as we no longer have a galaxy) but I received a PM that appeared to be phishing trying infect me kind of thing. Thought I'd warn you!
  2. Well we just spoke to the garage and they had replaced the tensioner last month when they did the cam belt and waterpump. It's been in the garage since Friday and still not fixed. It can't be normal for a new tensioner to do less than a month can it?
  3. Thanks. I did wonder how this could've gone so fast. When they eventually fix it (took over a week last time) I'll ask about this.
  4. Hi. Found this place after googling about a problem with our galaxy. A year ago we had the cam belt replaced. Then last month the water pump went and so that was replaced along with the belt again. Less than a month later the tensioner has gone. At this time of year we don't need all this cost! Could the tensioner going be related to having the new belt fitted in anyway? Is it common to need to replace the belt this often? We would be most grateful of any advice.
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