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  1. hi rustynail, and thank you for the reply. i had to return my unit to halfords as it wents nuts on its directions, halfords changed the unit with no problems which was good news. what i manged to do was use two of the discs, 1 that i got with the first unit i put a small hole in it and screwed it to the top of the dash/lid thing, and then the secound disc stuck stright onto it so it works really well, must say that yours does look better. i will post a pic if i get time on saturday . thanks once again. all the best for the new year steve
  2. many thanks ivor, that is what i wonted to hear, mine is as you have said abouve. regards steve
  3. hi and merry christmas to you. i have air con on mu car and just wonderd where you get a pool of water from under the car (what end) and also does it still cause the water if you have not been using the aiecon many thanks steve
  4. and a merry christmas to you and all those with you
  5. hi all, had the dreaded leak from the wash pipe this evening, the one under the passenger carpet. used rear washer for a few secounds on way home tonight and then it stopped, got home and checked and there it was, totally soaked, i now have to dry the sound padding which i will do by cutting it out as a few others have done on this site. i just wont to say that this site has been so full of help and usefull info, that without it i would have spent so much time trying to trace the loss of water to the rear washer. thanks to all and merry christmas and all the best for the new year steve
  6. hi all, 03 ghia with all air bags. onthe front a pilliar trims are a small cover/insert which says air bag, aonyone know what is behind this? is it the screw that holds the trim in place and if so can i just prise it out to make sure the screw is tight. i read on hear the the air bag is in the roof and not the a plliar? thanks steve
  7. Hi Russ, thanks for the pictures, i think i now know what i will be doing on sunday, looks really good and is just where i wanted it to be. once i have done it i will post a few pics as well. what model is your nuvi, i have a 660 fm with the traffic update and was wondering as you also have a nuvi how you traffic reciever works. on mine when i get in the car i put on the sat nav and the wire on the window, after a few mins, sometime as long as ten, i get a signal from the traffic thing, ie: the led on the plug turns green, but after a short time it starts to go from green to orange, does yours do this or does it stay on green, thanks regards steve
  8. thanks for all the replies, did get some sticky pads but just did not stick onto the surface of the dash. i got a small plastic disc like think for the base with my sat nav and am thinking of buying a secound hand dash lid (storage lid thing) and drilling a small hole through the lid then using a thin screw right though and a nut on the inside, and when or if i get rid of the car i can just put the original back on. i do kike the idea of it on the quater window but i think that it would be easy for someone to swap when at lights or stopped in traffic. Davac, if you could post a pic i would be greatful. thanking you steve
  9. hi, got a 03 ghia and wont to fit my sat nav on the dash as opposed to windscreen. the sticky pads that came with the satnav are not strong enough and keeps coming off. just wonderd if anyone has had this and if so have you manged to sort it out and how. many thanks steve ps. the reason it will not stick is that the dash on my car is not smooth, not sure about other models s
  10. hi again, just been messing around with the air con tonight and the climate control and not sure if the air con is working. swith the auto button and there does not seem to be a drop in engine speed or sound. pressed the demist button on the control panel and noticed that the window heater button lit up at the same time and off again when i pressed the air demist button again, not sure if it done this before. temp was about 9deg cel, tryed it a short time again further down the road (temp now 10.5 deg cel and the heater light did not come on so is it that the heated windscreen comes on at the same time as the demister if the temp is below a certain level. many thanks steve
  11. hi Bleeno, many thanks for the reply, i did think this later on last night after going over a lot of the older posts on the site. thank you again. steve
  12. hi all, first post but think this is a very good sitr i have an 03 2.3 ghia, all worked fine untill i had an accident, had new fron bumper and rad and a few other things as i hit the back of a lorry. had the car repaired buy an insurance approved body shop, all fine apart fron the cruise control which worked fine before crash. ligh on dash board still comes on but no cc working. i went back to garage and they said they have to find out if it needs to be reset once the battery has been disconnected and reconnected. sounds silly to me if it does i looked under the bonnet and at the back of the engine the is what seems to look like a pump which has a pipe connected to the top, only one pipe, althrough next to the pipe is what looks like anoter connector for another pipe, this i have think maybe the problem if a pipe is ment to be fitted. the car also had new headlights as well. also on the inside of the car on the fron a pillers are a small cover which say airbag on them, the one on the driver side seems to be slightly out and if i push it back in its just comes out again at the bottom, has this got a wire to it from the inside. all help appriciated. steve
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