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About galaxytony

  • Birthday 11/28/1964

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    galaxy 2.0ltr ghia
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  • Region
    South East

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  1. hi guys my 95 2.0l gal is overheating this is what i have checked so far 1: no water in the oil 2: no oil in the water 3: heaters in car are fine not cold 4: yes there is water in the header tank although i have topped it up a couple of times i cant find any leaks rad fan is coming on when temp reaches just above halfway on temp gauge on a run the temp gauge goes down to cold and i have done a pressure test on the cooling system and pressure holds steady also run engine with tester on and it does not rise so no head gasket fault any help would be welcome
  2. no probs guys thanks for your help but ive found the problem and fixed it the cat was blocked replaced it and now it runs fine
  3. yes there is a spark yes there is fuel and yes i have power at the injectors
  4. i have the above car it turns over tries to fire but wont. i have fuel at the fuel rail very good pressure also have a spark. renewed the fuel filter as ive said it tries to fire on full throttle. injectors are pulsing checked the cam belt and that looks ok no teeth missing the rac said that there was a fuel blockage as the plugs were dry so i checked the fuel rail and found that there was very little fuel there so i fitted a new filter and now there is plenty so can any one help
  5. i must admit i drove an 07 S class 320 merc and for comfort and goodies it was far better than the bentley and at around
  6. mainly young male drivers i think thats why they are raising the learning age i belive to 21 correct me if im wrong also alot of accidents are caused by drink driving/drink related i absolutly refuse to drink and drive even when i go out everyone tries to buy me a drink but i just tell them i dont drink i love my licence too much as i love driving they always say one wont hurt you but in my book one is all it takes
  7. ex rally driver ehh so as you know every one should know the limit of their driving and the limits of their cars you have proberbly taken your rally cars and F3000 cars way beyond their limit i mean the bentley at 110 mph feels like about 70 mph in a ford you just dont hear the engine at all it is so smooth i always like to know what any car that i drive can do so that i can get out of trouble if it comes my way i would love to do a defensive driving course as on a couple of occasions it would have come in handy (being followed by travelers who have taken an over keen interest in the bentley)carjacking and all that
  8. yes bms and mercs aswell but there just run of the mill cars now big kev why do you think ive got a galaxy :D :D
  9. i was in a bentley arnage doing 108 mph the police car was in front was a skoda doing the same speed did he learn his lesson aswell? what if he had a blow out ? if he hadnt been doing that speed i proberbly wouldnt have been either lets face it every one who drives cars or rides motorbikes have speeded at some time or other i defie any one to say otherwise i was on the m11 motorway and on every occasion that i have been in the bentley someone has always got to overtake me i think its got something to do with the car a lot of people are surprised at how quick this 2.5 ton car is but yes i have learnt a lesson keep an eye out for dodgy skodas on the m11 i have been driving since i was 15 i am now 42 and most of that time i have spent on the road and have driven a vast array of cars the scariest was a lambo merchialago other cars have been aston martin vanquish,ferrari marenello,spider,modena,F430, porche,rolls royce phantom,bentley gt so i think that i have had a lot of experince driving very fast cars and how to handle them how many people on here have driven at or near 100 mph on a motorway (just to test their motor out)in this day and age of technology and perfomance it is very easy to do this speed and not realise that you are untill you look down at your speedo AND MAY I ADD THAT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT I HAVE BEEN CAUGHT SPEEDING as im usualy aware of what is going on around me yes it did scare me that i would lose my licence as i have had it for a long time and wouldnt know what to do with out it
  10. hi guys just an update for you i have been to court today and recieved 3 points and a
  11. i done this once a few years ago when bp changed the colour of their pumps i put in bp ultimate which had the same colour handle as ultimate diesel i had been to manchester when i worked for sky tv early start at around 4 in the morning i was on my way back to essex coming down the m1 very tired and stopped at the services and filled up with what i thought was diesel on a diesel card i contacted bp customer services and they agreed to foot the bill for a drain and filter as the pumps were not clearly labled thats why they put those big labels on the handles alsothe attendant in the station didnt pick up the fact that i had filled with petrol and was paying with a diesel card i got about 10 miles down the m1 when i conked out the reason your car conked out so quick is that the diesel floats on top of petrol so when the car was stationary the petrol went to the bottom of the tank and got sucked up first
  12. i cant belive tha the husband is blaming the hospital all because they had a machine that recycles your own blood and didnt know how to use it i mean come on how often would they need to use it most of us would have had the transfusion and the wife signed a form for no blood to be given if he felt that way why didnt he allow blood to be given im sure that in a life threatening situation i would do everything within my power to keep my loved ones alive how do you explain to your children that you could have saved their mums live but didnt and then have the cheek to blame someone else when you could have prevented it he should be charged with manslaughter im so annoyed that im spitting feathers
  13. i also agree that there should be a zero tolerance on drink driving i was in a crash when i was a kid and my dad was driving i even remember the car a ford anglia 105E 2 door no seatbelts i was in the back with my 2 sisters sitting behind my mum . my mum had insisted that my dad take us shopping as it was christmas he had been drinking at work christmas drink up driving down the road he swerved to avoid an imaginary car side swiped a few parked cars and ripped open the whole side of the anglia i remember headbutting my mum in the back of the head and then just stepping out the side of the car the police came and arested my dad i found out that they gave him a beating in the cells cause when he came home he was a bit sore i still remember that crash to this day and that was about 33 years ago and i can take you to the exact spot where it happened to think how lucky we were to get out with minor injurys my dad didnt drive again for about ten years and they say kids always remember the bad things
  14. what annoys me is that they did not give me the oppertunity to send my licence away to get renewed as it has been through the wash a few times i thought that when i surrenderd it would be sent to dvla to have the points put on and issue a new paper counterpart
  15. yes there is video evidence hopefully the fixed penalty will stand but i belive they canceled it after seeing the speed recorded and the damage of the paper part of my licence was an excuse i mean who wouldnt accept a fixed penalty at 107mph i know that it is an instant ban at 100mph or over unfortunately a bentley arnage will do 155mph+ i have tested this (on a private road of course )and will do 100mph as if doing 50mph its so smoothyou have to keep looking at the speedo to make sure that you are doing 70 or engage the cruise control as yor right foot soon goes to sleep lol :ph34r:
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