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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Steve Ashby

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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy 2.0 Tdci Zetec
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    South East

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  1. Yep I found the same issue too really pain, I stored my in the garage when I needed all seven seats, and it hasn't been out since. Kinda defeats the object of being able to put up seven seats in a hurry if you need to. The rear tints stop the casual observer looking in anyway. Plus I never have anything interesting in the boot anyway pushchairs etc
  2. I noticed when my climate control was on hi (to clear the windscreen) it rumbled quite loudly however it seemed to sort itself out. Doesn't really help you though :lol:
  3. Galaxy159 Won't be the 2.0 diesel thats holding you up. I ordered a 2.0TDci on the 6th August 07 (2 days before you) took delivery on 31 October. Must be one of the options I'd go back to the dealer and get him to try agin with an excuse. Althernatively phone a different dealer and ask for a lead time on the same spec, see if he knows any reasons why some of the options may delay. regards
  4. I got hold of t&c from my dealer, basically said they could alter the price if the manufacterer changed theirs. Wrote a letter to ford MD, got a reply from response center saying mr van de whatever has been fully briefed on your letter ( yeah right ) but tough wotsits. Time for a letter to his home address try and get him to actually read my greivence.
  5. Saif I agree with you in principle, I was offered my deposit back if I wanted to cancel, unfortunately I had already waited 2 months and my twins were desparate to move car seats. I had little choice but to pay up or I'd have been back to square one. The galaxy was the most suitable choice, so cancelling would have also meant a different model. Going somewhere else for the same model would have been 2500 extra. (Ford relented a little for existing orders) The other issue is I went through a broker who had terms and conditions which did actually state if the manufacter raised the price they could pass it on. However the contract is with the dealer of which I didn't see any t&c s. So its slightely cloudy legally I think. Thing is even with the price clause if you need to buy it you need to buy it, and its just assume its one of those legal things and you don;t actually expect them to do it. Although I may just be naive.
  6. I've got a 2.0 TDCI, basically did a similar things this morning temp was about 2-3 C
  7. may also be worth bearing this in mind A customer has placed an order with us for a new car. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has raised the price, which I cannot afford to just absorb, and I need to pass it on to the consumer. What should I do? Generally, the normal rules of contract will apply here, i.e. if the consumer has secured the contract by paying a deposit, then it is likely you will be in a binding contract. Unless your contract terms or sales agreement specifies that you reserve the right to pass on increases outside your control, you may have to bear the cost of the increase.
  8. lotus dmc, if your dealar is honouring how much discount are you getting, did you get it via a broker ? In my case they were passing on all most al of the discount so had nothing left in the pot to help woth any shortfall (or so they told me ! :16:
  9. looking back throught he posts bigboyeast your in the clear it was me :blink:
  10. The last information I recieved was that indeed there was a period of grace for pre-Sept 31 orders, however the grace period was for not the full amount of the original discount. Hence I had to pay an extra
  11. bigboyeast I hate to be the bearer or bad news but my guess is you'll get a prcie rise anyway. I ordered the same as you 2.0 TDCi Zetec + metallic but included a toneau cover total
  12. If you read back through the posts here you will see I was stung by this. I have taken delivery of my car, All be it
  13. Had mine a week really nice
  14. Standard radio seems fine to me, but thats very much personal choice. We got the Tonneau cover, bit of a faff, to get round the reat seat belts when you pull, it and nowhere to store it when you put the seven seats up. We didn;t go for electric rear quarter lights, and we certainly didn't get manual ones as standard, but there are other postings on this.
  15. Took delivery of my brand new mark 3 2.0 TDci Zetec last Wednesday and very nice too. I was wondering if any one else with the zetec model has noticed if the lights at the bottom of the front doors come on or not, when the door is open. I can't work out if they are fitted but not connected on the zetec, fitted but don't work or they are just reflectors. thanks
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