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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by peckish

  1. Hello Neil. I found an original Ross-Tech HEX-USB interface on eBay some time ago. It looked like it had never been used and I got if for around
  2. lawton: I used the VAG-COM interface and software to read the fault codes and this told me that the pressure switch had recorded a fault. I got the system pressure tested and that revealed the holed pipework. Murdock: Thanks for the reply. I never noticed your previous posting on the same subject. I will give the Ford dealer a ring and get a quote from him. Regards to all. peckish.
  3. Hello everyone. I have just returned from Overseas and my wife informed me that the AirCon control panel flashed for a few seconds before returning to normal. I did a quick check with VAG-Com and noticed that it had logged a pressure switch in alarm. I took the vehicle around to a local AC specialist who pressure tested it and found that the alloy tubing from the collector/dehydrator to the expansion valve had a hole in it. It looks like it happened due to it rubbing on something. I called my local SEAT dealer for a price on this pipe and was quoted
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