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Everything posted by maghouse

  1. Try this ... Galaxy line drawing .
  2. New coil pack = new car .... runs like a dream !
  3. Cheers for that :(
  4. Cheers for that guys - think I might raid the piggy bank ... ;)
  5. ... anyone :huh: .
  6. Some advice gents please ... Still got a misfire - runs 10 times better though now new leads & plgs have been fitted but a nagging misfire. Took the coil pack off today - crack in the casing - not sure if this is the problem ? Looked at the terminals and as you can see - they were all sharp golden except for one which was dark brown - surely the misfire ? Cleaned it up - re-fitted and runs slightly better. Do the think the coil pack has had its day ... dont want to buy a new one unless I have too :huh: Ta http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2987/dscf8326crop.jpg http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/2582/dscf8325crop.jpg http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/9356/dscf8328crop.jpg
  7. Hope this helps ... http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/7495/post21085334488h.gif
  8. Got hold of a lock nut remover ... 13/16 - too big ! Looks like the head left is around 11/16 ? Anyone know if the Laser set of removers are smaller than 13/16 ? Looks like the bolt is seized in the disc as well - bloody Kwikfit & air wrenches :46:
  9. Managed to shear off the locking wheel nut and in the process shred the key :) Still got the code so hopefully be able to order a new key ... but ... How do I remove the remnants of the bolt ? HELP :)
  10. Just an update those who are interested ! All done and sounds lovely ... PITA to remove the old one - trusty angle grinder came in useful - cut the centre section pipe in 2 and much easier to remove the section from the rear with the rear section box attached - easier if you remove the spare wheel to give you some movement ... pull the whole lot from the rear ... remaining centre section box slid off the cat without too much fuss ... New centre section went straight in no problems & rear box was a doddle ... Had the car up on ramps only which was just enough space to work - support the cat on an axle stand to prevent strain etc on the downpipes ... mmm whilst I got the spare wheel off - might as well change it over to one of the worn ones I thought .... WRONG ... snapped the friggin' locking wheel nut AND the key - both knackered :)
  11. Excellent site - cheers BK ! ;)
  12. Well I uttered a few... not quite as many as when I replaced the front springs though... :D lol ... thats beyond my simple skills ;)
  13. You may still need more clearance to get the new exhaust in. It slides over the axle easier, but you still need to get the front of the new pipe down to clear the body over the axle. I used decent sized ramps at the back, but it was still tight - you could jack from there onto axle stands to make it easier, but make sure they aren't in your way. Clamps are standard 58/60mm clamps from cat back, u-bolt clamps are fine. I seem to remember I reused the original clamp at the cat - IIRC it was a sturdy stainless affair, though I think I renewed the bolt. Don't forget a bit of exhaust paste for the joints. Thanks again SP - exhaust ordered - hopefully here tomorrow ... Might run a side bet on the number of swear words I will use ;)
  14. Thanks SP .... only got small ramps so will have to make do with those unless I cut it up in situ perhaps ? Looking underneath today - I noticed that the pipe going onto the Cat was an unusual flat 2 piece type clamp - about an inch wide ... I think this is the original clamp as it has never been changed to my knowledge ... Does it need to have the same type again or is it a case of a clamp is a clamp is a clamp !!! long as it seals ... Ta
  15. Yep - seems to be the one ! (slightly different to mine) - least I can ask for the right bit ... Cheers mk2vr6 :unsure:
  16. So I dont look more of a pratt than I already am Whats this called so I can ask for one in the dealers ... Looks like a small emission control valve that sits between what is shown on the picture as "valve" and the plastic concertina hose. The bottom pipe off the T section fits alongside it ... This is a 1997 VR6 2.8 Ta ... http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/9254/dscf3492crop.jpg
  17. Hi all, Need to fit a new exhaust (mid & rear boxes) - any tips or things to watch out for when fitting :16: Thanks ...
  18. PMSL - what a thick twat :16: Reading through old posts about misfires on a VR6 .... came across this post and thought .... 'bugger me that is exactly the problems I used to have' .... it was my old post from a few years ago - didnt even realise :lol: Anyway, while I'm here - the trusty motor is playing up again ... bad misfire like it it is running on 5 so checked the HT leads straight off - multimetered them and all read about 5.8 - 6.0 so knew it was not them ... checked the plugs - what a mess one had no electrode and the gap I could measure with a tape rule .... so new NGK plugs all round - much better but still has a misfire I reckon - just not right .... Gotta be the coil pack I think - so fix or replace ?
  19. Hands up then - 3 questions !!! I am worried though - yes yes & yes - Question 2 was "will it affect my engine" Help !
  20. I know this is a thorny old subject but hopefully a quick question ... About to carry out an oil change and looking what oil to buy. I have been topping up with Castrol High Mileage oil (95,000 miles on the old girl) so for a complete change - would this be an okay oil to use ? I note it is 15/40 and all the gumf (handbooks etc.) says I should be using 10/40 - so will this slight change affect the engine ? On a similar note - the Castol GTX oils are now in 4L cans instead of the usual 5L - are we being ripped off here ?
  21. I have an annoying problem I can't fix ! My handbrake does not go all the way down when released so the dash warning light keeps coming on. Very likely an adjustment needed somewhere but took the handbrake shroud off and cannot see any adjustment easily available. Am I hoping for an easy fix or does this perhaps mean the rear pads are worn and need changing ? Thanks ...
  22. Fixed ! New compressor fitted & works a treat - Sercks said it was likely the commpressor was faulty as they have had these faulty from new before (new supplier I think !) but a second flush & this compressor - all works fine - just ready for winter !
  23. The bill shows the receiver/dryer was replaced - they said exactly the same thing - this would have caught the debris so is changed as a matter of course along with a flush. I am going to hope the new compressor and another flush will do the trick tommorow .... One other question if I may - will running the system with the Aircon on do any damage if the evaporator is blocked, my thought is that running the system on and off might dislodge the debris or am I being too hopeful !
  24. Hi Steve, I asked them that and they said they would have to take the evaporator out which is a labour intensive job (that I know is correct from when they fitted the new one a few years back) and if it is out - you may as well fit a new one - the cost is in the labour. They seemed to say back flusing in situ could push all the debris back into the various other components against the normal flow and would cause more damage - again that seems to make sense ... oh woe ...
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