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  1. hi,if you look at photo you will see a small like overflow pipe right in the middle. water is coming from that. it appears that this part is part of the internal heater. there are no signs at all of any water in the oil,thanks
  2. 1.9 2005....hi,hope someone can help. Its looking likely i have head gasket failure due to no antifreeze 2 month ago. i completely broke the propeller from the pump pulley and engine through out smoke. I left car to thaw,changed the damaged water pump and refilled. Ever since i am loosing water like 2 liters per 30 mile. Heaters get warm and not overheating,or pressuring at all from expansion tank.No oil contamination or signs in water. I have found out today where the water is loosing. Bulkhead passenger side,there is like an overflow,something to do with the heaters,heater matrix,above glove box.It is directly under the brake pipes. Its trickling out of that with felt pressure blowing from it,some wet also from this has got into pass footwell. Is this some kind of blow off relief valve in even of the coolant system pressurising? thanks for any help
  3. Just an update to help anyone. I got my new check valve today and still the same. I pulled off the feed to the filter and ignition on. i get humming from the lift pump in tank but no fuel coming out. Its like i have a blockage somewhere. p.s another update, ive had the tank pump out for brief inspection and blown down any fuel pipes. ive connected back up and now i have fuel coming to filter, ill update on when battery fully charged to see outcome. Its looking like i may have had blockage around tank pump or line somewhere,fingers crossed and thanks for help brian
  4. hi,seems strange all this has happened since putting vegetable oil in. Ive used it for years without any problem. Anyway,i got the new return valve today and problem persists. The pipes are 100 percent right way round. The fuel filter is a new one. Ive disconnected the feed and i get no fuel on ignition or crank. I can hear the pump in tank also. Whats happening is when the car cuts out after 20 secs or so i have have to keep turning ignition on/off to try get fuel through,last attempt car ran for 10 seconds, here is picture of filter and pipes,feed being top right. Is it possible the fuel contaminated or has water in it? looks ok when i inspect it
  5. Hi,been having problems since using veg oil mixed with diesel. cut story short,i stopped using it,changed fuel filter and topped up fresh diesel. Whats happening is,when i fill the fuel filter and reconnect everything,the car will run for a half mile or so then cut out. I have to keep turning ignition on/off to get car started for few seconds then cuts out again. I noticed when i release the drain plug on filter,there is air in there,when car running,and no fuel coming out. I have removed the check/return valve and noticed i can blow in both directions of the valve. Isnt it meant be one way clear? any way or temperary fix till i get new one if this is the problem? thanks
  6. thanks for the help. Gearbox now removed aswell as clutch and flywheel. I inpected spline first on gearbox and has very minimal play side to side but quite a bit back and forth. The clutch is LUK and badly worn to rivets and snapped half way round so lucky i guess. The flywheel is sachs which i thought strange,but anyway i have inspected and found as a rough guide from start one tooth to friction of spings is around 18mm,and has play rocking of around 1.2 mm. I have an LUK guide but not sachs and is it likely to have been changed some point have sachs flywheel and LUK clutch? thanks
  7. going to attempt clutch and dual mass tomorrow. dieceded on full kit as clutch was slipping and first gear kept jamming when dipping clutch. also a lot of judder recently. after following different threads i see no mention of dropping gear oil. Is obvious needed to drop oil on these boxes or not? was going to drop it anyway to make sure no surprises in the gear oil. thanks
  8. thanks, the solid flywheel connversion kit AHU, is this an early engine? i ask because i saw this item number listed as
  9. does anyone have any idea if the 1995-2006 tdi 90/115/130 engines use same clutch? i ask because i need change mine and the dmf. on searching on fleebay a few sellers selling AHU code 1995-2000,other sellers are advertising ANU,AHU,AUY 1995-2006 saying fits those codes. Mine is AUY,but if same as AHU then i can get the kit far cheaper. I have sent messages to them but no replies so thought id ask here, cheers
  10. i know this has been discussed but still having problems with this .i have no power,hesitates low revs with black smoke.unplugging the maf makes it run ok.i have replaced the maf sensor with an aftermarket one and still the same.i purchased an aftermarket map sensor and still the same. a friend of mine plugged his laptop with some software.the car isnt showing any faults but there was no variation coming from the map sensor,was stuck at 255 kpa.you can actually hear the noise like a scraping,whirring noise as it struggles. does anyone know anything regarding the 255 kpa readings? thanks
  11. i definately would touch a sedona,especially the 2.9crdi. anyway,we have the 05 galaxy tdi and i keep thinking o upgrading then changing my mind as i dont like the knew shape and its configuration of seats and the engine under the bonnet doesnt appeal to me. if i ever change it would be the sharan,touran are the best looking seven seaters for me,but not big enough and no spare wheel.
  12. all the duel mass flywhhels on the galaxy should be recalled. loads on here seem to have failing dmf. looks like mine could be failing too, 2005 1.9tdi
  13. i checked that pipe again today and found it hasnt got a hole in it.as i listened to the engine today i noticed a like scrapping noise which followed engine shake at same time,very slight.this noise is coming from the bell housing.when the noise stops,the engine idles normal, its like something is loose,or is it the dreaded flywheel and could this cause my first problem,the hesitation in low revs?
  14. hi,i checked all pipes.i have found one vacuum pipe passenger side bulkhead,theres about 3 together.one of these pipes has a small hole,but cant quite get to it to repair,i'm hoping this is the cause of the hesitation. the pipe looks like to have got this damage through rubbing against a bracket i think. will post tomorrow or weekend on outcome,sorry for delay in replying as weather been to crap
  15. wll do this tomorrow and report any findings,thanks
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