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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    West Midlands

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  1. update now done. The grand theatre pic has it's own page. enjoy!
  2. Just got back from the grand theatre, wolverhampton. I watched dad's army, with the team. I had telephoned prior to arriving to see if the team could get a photo or two with the cast after the show. When I arrived I was told that the manager had just let the rest of the team know that this would happen. Good show, very funny. The actors do a very good job & it is worthwhile going to see it. When the show ended, the manager led us all (about 20) onto the stage & we were greeted by Richard Tate & Leslie Grantham. Both Very nice people. I managed to get a few good shots, one of which will be appearing on the website soon.
  3. Thanks! ;)
  4. yeah, i am a scary bloke!! ;)
  5. Haha!! ;) yup, yur got me. I am the webmaster. The idiot in the hat & beard. ;) Many thanks for looking through the site. What do you think? We do have a lot of fun with the events.
  6. Mumof4, we re-enact 1940's (home guard & US airborne) victorian (all classes) & western. Although we don't get much chance to do western. I am on the site, but there is only 1 picture of me on it. That's a BIG clue!
  7. Now that's a bit personal :lol: nope i'm not in that picture.
  8. Nope, not me. you will have to keep guessing! :lol:
  9. Thanks mumof4, that's good to know The group re-enacts victorian, western & 1940's time periods. If you want to know more, take a look at victorian westerners . We have a lot of fun. If you stay over a two day event, the beer flows & there is much merryment. The reason I don't like camping is that the fields used for it usually have had cattle in them a few days before with crap EVERYWHERE. At one event earlier this year, it took me half an hour to find a spot to pitch the tent. I vowed after that, never again. I looked at converting a van into a sleeper, but vans (in my price range) are usually battered high milers, without aircon.
  10. hi all, new member. just thought I would introduce myself. I don't currently have a galaxy, but am looking to get a 2001 facelift TDI Ghia model. I want to be able to take the rear seats out & sleep in the back very occasionally at weekends. (I am a member of a re-enacting group, who hates to camp but does events over quite a distance away from me) Can anybody tell me if there is enough room to sleep lengthways in the back (I'm 5' 10")? Thanks.
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