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    North East

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  1. Well AV scan clear. Think about your password people. Logging in from link in email, who ever could have your user and password. User not a problem, But if they have your password can get to any personal details held on site, Plus make false posts under your name. all sorts of things. Always use your book mark to get to site.
  2. Same here who is bricky? 0 posts Just changed my password after coming back to site from bookmark rather than the link. Just running full AV scan.
  3. Well the clean out additive has not worked. still loosing power, Got myself a obd interface. Tells me Error P0299. 'Turbo charger UnderBoost' As most people seem to get OVERboost errors, DUH. Tried doing searches for the error, seems to be missing from lists. From standard OBD listings that I can find, P0 it seems is Powertrain problem, the 2 gives a 'fuel/ mix injectors' error. But that is all I can find. the specific error 99 I cannot find. If any one has any ideas, will be much appreciated. Impossible for me to try and overtake anything, even a tractor, as I think it will drop out on me. Could pull the whole system apart and see what I can find, but will save a lot of time, if I have an idea as to the area to look. Thanks in advance
  4. My Vw 1.8 Tdi always gets a good reving, up and down over the moors. never any problems until last week. Had been running fine that morning, pulled in for a butty. on pulling out in traffic, very long line. lost power. Duh car behind rather close. No power at all Limp on to where I was going. Going home OK. A few days later fine going out on return about 30mls from where I was, went to pass a truck. Power gone again. Did not know about the switch off on bit, which I have tried since, and works for a time. Put some cleaner in as some one suggested. Going up one hill it drops powere get to top off/on OK next hill not bad further along, had to brake hard, ( A line of Ducks, walking across the road. they didnt, Duck that is. one lost iys head) as I braked the display bleeped and emmissions Workshop came on display. Slight loss of power, tried running at high revs for some parts after that. still lost power, after a few stops off/on managed to get where I was going. later display still had error. a few hours later started without error. seems fine since, but reluctant to test fully just in case, But I know I will have to. Assume the emmisions came on as maybe some rubbish from the system came loose, helped by the additive. Will wait and see
  5. Halford have booklets for the models hanging in their wiper section, could always go in and have a look. If to expensive at least you know what the option types are. Wilkinsons, (wilco) and Boyes, do a cheap universal wiper set, that you can get refills for, cut refills to size.
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