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Everything posted by Nige22

  1. Ah Ha !! Mine was a fuse too, not the one as stated in the manual. It was the 10 amp fuse, 2nd from the right on the bottom row, the ones that are horizontal rather than vertical. This is confusing as, to prove my point to the service engineer, i removed the replaced fuse, and showed how the wipers still sort of worked, as described previously. So, hope this helps some other worried galaxy driver, as I was prepared to pay almost anything to get this sorted. The engineer did say the common fault on the MK2's is the wiper units, the whole thing ceases up,
  2. Hi folks, why do these nightmares happen at the worst possible time? Here is my similar nightmare... Ford Galaxy Ghia 1.9 TDI 2003 MK2 MK11 MKII Everything working fine, go to the gym for three hours, wipers not working !!! WHHHAATTT. Fiddling about does get a response, basically move the stalk all over the place and the rear wiper randomly works, but with no squirt. Occasionally the front wipers will do a single full wipe, but again no squirt. So I have done the usual thing had a good old fiddle about, trying to take steering cowlings off to look at the stalk, trying to have a look at the wiper motor hidden behind the plastic windscreen panel, and checking all associated fuses and relays. All with no results. Steering Cowling: How in lords name to you get this off??? Found 5 screws but it will not release the lower half!! Wiper Stalk: How in lords name to you get this off??? I suspect that you have to remove the steering wheel, which is rediculous !!!! Fuses: Exactly which fuse is it anyway?, i checked all the ones i could find, all OK. Relays: Which relays are they, and where are they, and how do you get to them? So for my particular problem i suspect it is an electrical fault, otherwise the wipers would not work at all, I feel i am going to have to drop it off at the dealers and take out a loan to get it sorted, as its December the 20th today i cant do without the car over xmas!!! If anyone has any suggestions, then please go ahead and reply, if anyone has been thru all this already, again please let us know. When this is all sorted for me i will also post ready for the next poor victim. Happy xmas all !!
  3. Here are some drivers door related pictures, as you can see the door card is held on by plastic poppers and three bolts, be as gentle as you can when pulling at the card as some of the plastic brackets are just glued on and tend to get left behind, once you have popped all the poppers lift the card upwards and towards you taking care not to pull on the cables too much. Any questions just ask.. Broken loom wires Door card removed Door loom female plug socket, use water pump pliers to undo anti-clockwise, its plastic be carefull! Dont pull at the door speaker as it is plastic welded to the door card other side of door card Handle cover just pulls off and the switch pulls upwards, tease it out. As a foot note, if anyone can help me get a new speaker cover the right colour and everything, that would be fantastic!!!
  4. Yep, I stripped the door down and pulled the loom. There are two extra thick wires red/yellow stripe and brown, the red one had snapped cleanish in two, the brown was partially split with a prominent bend in it where it has obviously been bent backwards and forwards and hardened over time, eventually causung fatigue failure. Happy to find the clear fault, ubhappy that such a thing can happen in modern car. Anyway I went ahead and completed the repair by cutting out the bad sections of wire and soldering in new and more supple wire, hopefully reducing the chance of it happening again. I have some photos that may help anyone trying to fault find stuff inside the drivers door card, not least give some idea of how to strip it down as it is a bit of pain when you dont know where to pull!!!! Thanks for your help.
  5. Mrk II Galaxy drivers electric window switch This switch was working perfectly until it seemed to fail, the drivers window wont wind up or down and all the passengers windows will only wind down then wont go up, but they work fine from their own switches. I have tested the switch which seems fine and the loom tested fine thru to the fuse, which isnt very accurate. I dont have a haynes manual as they dont exist (are the russek manuals any good?) and i am not sure how the door card comes off or how to remove the loom. I cant even find the relays as its not clear where they are in the owners manual. If anyone has had this problem in the past and may be able to put forward some suggestions then it would be of great help. Any information would help as the last thing i want to do is splash out
  6. 03 Ghia with a CD changer that wont work, so I have taken it out and disected it. I have not made any progress as to diagnosing the fault yet, but i have taken a few pics of the internals as it may help fellow forum users. What I did find out as no one else told me, is there is a manual magazine eject button on the face plate of the changer, but the hole was too small for me to get anything strong enough in, so i am going to open the hole up a bit ready for future use. Heres the pics..... The next thing for me to try is the continuity of the power lead from the stereo. Any input from fellow members would be appreciated.
  7. If they were the other way round the poor little tykes fingers might get trapped when they pull on it. I have given them a good test, and as I have packed the gap between the base of the handle and the car body with big washers, it would take a lot of force to break them. Dont forget they are only inteneded for small people, thats why they are low. For normal people I would advise to use the roof handles provided as standard above the door, but I know what you mean.
  8. Yes I have done both sides. They are both the same. You have to pull the door seals back and undoo a self tpping screw and the seat belt bolt, but that is the easy part. Take your time and you will get them both in the same place, plus you only get one chance to get it right otherwise it would look a right mess. Good luck everyone.
  9. As for teh nut rivet tooling, you pay for what you get, but you have to consider cost against useage. I personally go by the rule cheap usually means after a few times it gets worn and harder to use, so I buy professional tools so when I need to use it again and again, its just as easy as the first time, I am going on my own experiance (such as struggling with cheap tools and cutting/trapping fingers!!!! then destroying said tool and buying an expensive replacement). Anyway, at the time I struggled to find one locally, so it would have had to be delivered 2 - 3 day wait, ranging from
  10. Hi, I have had the Galaxy for a few weeks now, I do like it but I have a few niggles, such as not enough storage space or handles for the little people (kids being independent) to get in and out. Well when 5 year old Megan grabbed the door hinge and put grease all over the door pillar when she tried to get herself in the back seat, I thought I would install some myself. So I went to the local scrappers and found some roof handles out of a scorpio and set about mounting them in a good place. Basically I used a nut riveter to mount them on the door pillar just in front of the seat belt as it is a strong place and the handles will fold back out of the way. Its not a simple task but it was worth the time and effort as they are used every time they get in and out!! Take a look at the pics
  11. Well, I still cant get the CD changer magazine out, so I am going to have to disect it. If anyone has some instructions and a little diagram, then that would help. Still not seen any center glove box mounted sat nav screens, so I think someone else should have a go at it first to show me how its done. Pics coming for the work I have already done soon.
  12. No fair !!! I want to see those pictures, someone do a magic spell to make them work or something.
  13. Hi, I would really like to be able to see the pictures on this topic discussion, but i cant for some reason. Please either tell me how to make it so i can see them, or send them to me or something, as i really want to have a go at doing this myself. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ic=7965&hl= Any assistance wwould be appreciated. Thankyou
  14. Yay, some pics of an ICE install, fantastic, now i have some ideas, anyone converted the middle glove box on a MKII to accomadate a flip up touch screen sat nav and etertainment unit, as thats what i want to do. If you have, then take some pics and post it on here so i can see what it looks like. Laters
  15. Starting to get some ideas now of how to get decent sat nav in the galaxy. A comment another member made was mounting it in the center dashboard glove box ( could only hold one glove its so small !!) Does anyone know what is underneath that glove box, in fact does anyone have a manual or cd manual or parts cd available, that would help. Has anyone else mounted a screen in there yet, as I like the idea of it poping up and being at eye level, then folding back down out of sight (would be nice if it all happened smoothly and automatically) Photos of your sat nav mods or a movie of the ford original sat nav would be cool, seeing one in action might sway me to purchase off ebay. Thankyou nige
  16. How much are the screens from a dealer?? Do they come as a complete kit or JUST the screens?
  17. Thanks for the quick replies, learning the ropes, as you can tell. Keep up the good work, I will have a go at some pictures later. Thankyou Nige
  18. Hi, I am fairly new to Galaxy's and have used this site for lots of research and referance, thanks to everyone who contributes. But, I would like to be able to see more photos as most of the links in the discussions are dead, so I cant see what your talking about. Personally, if I was reading about alloy wheels for instance, I would love to see a good picture so I know how they look, then I can go out and get similar ones ( 19" might look too big, 14" euro look might look silly ) Other things I would like to see is on the customising side of things, some chaps have done some really ace mods but we cant see them so we can copy them, no excuse when you can get a digital camera for
  19. Does anyone know where to get replacement ford DVD headrest screens, or at least an cheaper source than the dealership as i would expect them to cost a lot of my hard earned cash. Or there are a lot of cheap and seemingly better units out there, but are they reliable? Ones with loads of games built in etc. Cheers
  20. Mine has a cd changer but the magazine wont come out, any ideas?? Also can you get a cubby hole for the left hand side of the boot, or give me some ideas about creating extra storage space? Thankyou
  21. You make it look easy, is this turning into MAX POWER for Galaxy's? When I get the funds I will do a similar thing with my install. Do you think a picture of the internal guts of a factory fitted headrest screen would help any one? I know it can be nerve racking pulling things apart without knowing whats inside. Nige (ps i got this message - Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file )
  22. I seem to be talking to myself on here but never mind. I have fixed the Black and White screen, but I am not sure if its permanent or temporary. I used a process of elimination, swopped the headrests over to check it was not the leads to the unit. Removed the Screens and swopped them, so when it was swopped it was till B & W, so I unscrewed the circuit board from the headrest recess then it started working. But it went on and off a few times while fiddling, so there was still something amiss. I pulled the curl of cable out of the headrest that goes to the curcuit board at the back, tested it fo continuity, it was fine, put it all back while it was working, and so far its been fine. Thus, before you go to the dealership, take it all apart and have a fiddle, virtually impossible to break any of the compnents as it very simple, so amatures will be ok. I will keep this updated, but the next job would be the double din touch screen sat nav up front, should be simple job??? !!!! (these jobs never go to plan) Cheers nige
  23. Awesome, Thankyou very much, i am also quite good at the engineering side so i will eventually have the galaxy sussed inside and out, jusy give me a few weeks to tinker!!! Anyway, I need a few things clarifying as I cant find any brochures or much info about the multimedia system, i have the instruction manual but as you all will know its not particulary clear. What should I have with the multimedia pack? Radio CD Stereo head unit x1 Headrest Screens x 2 Headrest remotes x 1 (should i have 2 ??? ) Is it possible to operate the monitors setting without the remote, or set the remote to work with the other screen? I am hoping my problem is that it just need the colour adjusting in the setting menu of the monitor. Thanks again for your time. Nige22
  24. Hi, I am new so i cant start a new thread, but i do have a problem with one of my DVD headrest screens. It half works, its in black and white and wont really accept anything from the remote. The other screen works fine, and i have swopped the screens over to check the cable and the good unit works fine in the other cable. So thus it must be the unit, now before i start disecting the monitor unit has anyone else had this problem. I am quite proficient at repairs so the is a 90% chance i could fix it, but if someone else can tell me how then it would save me one hell of a lot of time and effort. If no one else knows, then if i fix it i will let you know how i did it. Thanks for your time. Nige
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