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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Does a 2.0l GL 1998 Galaxy have a timing chain as opposed to belt?
  2. yes correct fuse fitted. I get no noises (odd ones that is) sounds to be working ok, guess i,ll need to get on my hands and knees have a good look
  3. Not had any noticeable issues with airflow, seems ok running on 1,2 but sometimes on full it just blows the fuse. I never have it on recirculating maybe i should try that. So probably wasted on the new resistor pack, put old one on ebay then is it easy to get to fan to check movement? I assume it is moving ok otherwise it would blow on low settings? Old resistor pack looked a bit corroded on the single resistor going across the pack at back. Any resistance settings to check? Maybe compare with new one see if they give same results.( will take it out again)
  4. Managed to buy one from VW 7M0 959 263 C £18 cheaper than ford!! But i have noticed this on ebay that looks identical ( should have looked first!)£8.49 Now hoping i get no blown heater fuses
  5. thanks i,ll take a look, will it have a part number on so i can order a new one?
  6. Hi, does anyone have any suggestions what to look at changing with my internal front heater. seems ok on speed 1,2 but on 4 especially it ends up blowing a fuse
  7. Hopefully it will be the cause of my poor starting too.
  8. Ok fitted new one. Slightly different accessing than the MK11 but got to it eventually. Now to see if it starts in a better fashion over coming days than it used to. Took old one apart , looks ok so not sure what actually is at fault on them, one relay a fuse and a diode,
  9. In Fig 7 cant see how to drop on mk1 galaxy
  10. so it is a power supply relay i need no injection one https://www.fordpartsuk.com/shop/ford_galaxy_power_supply_relay_f_7203442_c_645.htm Not https://www.fordpartsuk.com/shop/ford_galaxy_fuel_injection_pump_relay_f_7203418_c_705.htm
  11. thanks, so what is the part number i was given, what name is that relay?
  12. Called Ford they say fuel injection pump relay feed part number 7203418 relay 24, relay 30 is the power supply battery charge relay?? can anyone help with what part number i actually need, problem starting, also had it cut out with flashing led in door
  13. Can someone help with locating (which relay) or part number for relay 30 on a galaxy 2.0gl petrol 1998 s reg?
  14. right ok confused " its passenger side middle row seat"
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