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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy
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  1. Ideal, thanks Seatkid and bhbobhill for the info. Will post back here shortly once I have swapped one car shaft for the other with my friends.
  2. Well from what i seen, the hub would need removing to replace bearing but bearing is seperate to hub, held in by a large circlip. I am guessing tho that the bearing is in bight and a suitable drift would be required to remove it. Still if it was the bearing that would be my cheapest option.
  3. Thanks for the prompt replies. Yeah I priced this intermediate shaft up. It does have play on it gear box end but its hard to see without removing it whether its the shaft thats got play or the gearbox. I have found that this part is dealer only unfortunately but Seat dealer is cheapest. He assures me that the part will fit and is the same. My friend has exactly the same Galaxy with same shaft, so I'll probably ask him nicely if I can swap mine for his just to try it and see if it goes. Thanks again for the prompt replies.
  4. Hi all. I have a rumble coming from the front of my Galaxy 2004. At first I thought wheel bearing but took it to two garages for diagnostic. One garage couldn't pin point it, even after test drive and lifting front off ground whilst driving it in gear at speed while listening in different positions through a rod. The other said I had a split driveshaft gaitor so start with replacing that joint or shaft. I replaced complete shaft (only 40 quid on Ebay, over 250 quid at dealer),but no change. I then ordered and fit other shaft on opposite shaft, still no joy. Garage now tells me that they suspect the gearbox on the diff side of it. Spoke to gearbox repair specialist who quote 500 quid for repair, but they did tell me that the diff on a Galaxy is very rare to go wrong. I am now at a loss. Do I try replacing both side front wheel bearings first, or short intermediate shaft that I also suspected or go the whole hog and replace or repair gearbox? The noise itself is very simular to a wheel bearing noise, which gets louder when turning left, quieter to the right. It sounds pretty central although front seat passengers can feel the vibration through the floor and I think you can slightly feel it through the gear stick. Nothing comes through the steering wheel and braking makes no difference. I would say that right at the beginning of all this when it started, if you accelerated hard up a hill under pressure, you got vibration through the car, as if you had a loose front wheel. That has now gone though and been replaced with this noise. No slackness at either of the front wheels. Help???
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