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    galaxy tdi 130
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  1. seriously dont bother with small things that will take u whole day to do, just buy whole shaft euro car parts and replace it urself , ive never replaced one before, but honest is childs play.
  2. strangely enough today have replaced whole right drive shaft on me Galaxy1.9tdi 2003, it was easier and cheaper to replace whole shaft as it only cost
  3. Had similar problem with my wifes car .After installing HID strange things started to happen ....... after long hours ....... replaced battery as had problems starting when is cold ..... sorted ! strange connection but sorted
  4. mine with the climate control, and comes on and off like every 20 secs, eventually does come on and stay on until turn engine off and on again, noticed that if its very hot outside then play up for even longer,if u watch compressor, clutch kicks in and then stops then like 20 sec later kicks in and again after few secs stops.... so annoying
  5. If u buy car in northern/eastern Europe where temperatures goes at winter as low as -37 (thats like . . . . diesel "freezes" and not much of diesel car as winter diesel designed to run down to -32 ) most cars diesel or not are fitted with high power (amps) batteries regardless what manual, manufacturer or anyone else says, as in low temperatures battery looses up to 50% of its initial power ! Never hurts to install high current battery like I've got at 110 A, the only thing is that if u do short journeys , ur generator will not have enough current to give good charge due to battery being high current! A lot of people make massive fuss of batteries simple because they don't know much about it! I'm saying this because I lived in eastern Europe for 3 years and I've seen even basic small petrol car having at least 60A battery !
  6. Thats good, and strange as my gal hasnt got any extra relays for each fan! well must be different model then ! ?
  7. I had this problem on my SKODA , believe or not but very simple thing sorted it out.....while the blower on full speed , I've sprayed WD40 after removing filter, did get unpleasant smell inside the car for some time, and got oily all around the vents, but done the job as well! Cant recommend, done this simply because suddenly got crazy idea...I'm good at things like that, sometimes it works!
  8. speed control is based on switch mode technology, where motor is controled by pulse, that means no heavy resistors, loss of unused power... you can find this even in cordless drills... There is no additional relays for each motor, just fuse ! The actual control unit is next to the blower and control wire in to unit is coming from ATC unit so u need to check if there is power on blower if no then is there power coming to blower control unit!? U will need to access your blower in order to find out! let us know!
  9. Well, when I was modifying my aux booster to run it manually, had to add few extra relays and do rewiring, so I had to make my Climate control unit to start with booster as well as front blower. Looking at ford TIS I've noticed that blowers are controlled electronically, unlike in standard units where they controlled with just resistors, as I wanted to start whole system with just front blower running at slowest speed so it would not draw to much current......so looking at your problem, if everything else is fine, then you just may have electronics related problems! in that case is not as simple as speed control unit maybe gone! To me it would not be to much of the problem as I'm electronics engineer, but if u r not good at it then u may need to repair it somewhere ..... Thats the only thing comes to my mind, but hope will be something much simpler than that, good luck
  10. Trust me !!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u got galaxy , sharan, 2001 on, no need for these things, they r pure rubbish!!! only if u buy with fault reset function, then fine, apart that all it does it turns on and off, simply by applying +12v to "signal on" on heater. Can do so with any timer, as long as u can power it from 12v! I took apart cheap digital mains (240v) 7day timer which is 10 times better then the ones u looking at, modified to run from 12v, by simply changing 24v relay to 12v and bypass 240v "bit" capacitor , couple resistors and fed 12v straight to regulator that was there .....my EBERSPACHER timer still fitted ,but only used when I need to reset faults, but this cheap timer is doing all the job! Look at EBERSPACHER heaters data sheet, and u'll see that everything is very simple!
  11. well isn't difficult to turn anything just by adding relay to whatever u want as in this case, to coolant pump, if power coming from the same power source , I mean no extra battery is installed to run the booster, then u just need basic non changeover relay, thats got to be activated at the same time as booster, but if in MK1s there is no electric pump, then that makes more problematic ,yet never to late to add extra coolant pump!, and it doesnt have to be made for galaxy or sharan, just pop to local salvage place or ebay, and sure can get that for
  12. Noticed, a lot of people asking how to start booster manually. I've done it myself, took good day, but then i've got timers running as well, but in reality it could be done without even running extra wires, just put a switch somewhere by the rear left door. Basically all u need is to put switch between signal ON and +12v and u need to connect Pin 6(that comes from booster S1) to +12v. U can leave this connected to +12v at all the times, and now at the flick of the button u can start booster whenever u want. Should take no more than 1h to do ! As I'm new on this forum, I'm not allowed to upload pic's, but as soon as I'm able to do I could upload pics, and photos , and I'm sure even those that not in electronics would be able to do it EASY way. Any questions let me know. P.S. this is on MK2 galaxy/sharan. Don forget, if you got climate control, when +12v applied to ON terminal (pin 7 on S1), all electrics will come on, like if u put and turn key to pos II, but not front or rear fans will run so u need to modify that, but this is getting more dificuilt....so enough for now Good luck
  13. Its fine, my does the same ! its like quick self test
  14. Hi all, as I'm new member and can't create new topics, so I thought this is right topic for my query : Anyway, I've started on new project on my 03 Galaxy TDI, where I've decided to bypass on board computer that turns my aux booster on , when it thinks its cold enough, but I'm not happy with that! so after spending one week on this project, its basically done ! and it was easier than I thought, I bought this item of ebay EBERSPACHER COMBINATION TIMER WITH FAULT DIAGNOSIS to control my aux heater, not as much use of it, as I thought but will be good to reset faults. Well it took me some time to figure it out what wires exactly do and what happens in one or another instance, finally last Sunday I made it work 100%, but the problem is that me galaxy got climate control which made much harder to integrate, basically now as soon as timer turns it on ,its like turning car key in to II position, where everything is activated, and of course that
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