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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

the bus

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Everything posted by the bus

  1. Hi, The Atera Linea bike rack is a serious piece of kit and having used it recently for a trip to Holland, with four bikes on, it performed brilliantly to the point that you almost forget that you have the bikes on the back. To answer your question the clear plastic strips are positioned such that the top and bottom brackets have something to rest on to avoid any potential damage to the paintwork. Both of the upper and lower clear strips should be applied so that they
  2. Me to, I guess that either we have been lucky or the scenarios mentioned are what could happen in very rare instances. Will probably clamp the pipes and open the bleed nipple next time I do this job
  3. Sorry for the delay in replying, I
  4. This image shows the rack open ready for use, the height of the Galaxy is entirely dependant on the height of the biggest bike
  5. This picture shows the bike rack in the closed position and as you can see it doesn
  6. Sorry for adding one picture at a time.
  7. Thanks for the info on adding pictures :-)
  8. I have no idea how you add pictures, otherwise I would post a picture of my cycle carrier carrying three bikes. In total it can carry four but the picture only shows three. In essence the overall height without bikes is 1.88m and with bikes the overall height is 2.2 m. In my experience the bike rack poses no problem during everyday use (with or without the bikes), and the rack is easy to use. The best bit is the fact that the bikes clear the number plate and the lights so no lighting board is required. A recent trip to Holland involved taking four bikes via the Channel Tunnel, and it did not cost any extra as an
  9. I had the same problem a little over 6
  10. Having researched the various options available I have decided to go for the portable option and the Centurion DVD player (multi region) with twin TFT LCD wide screen, two headphones (independent volume control), full remote control and a dinky carry bag seemed to be the best available. See http://www.centurionsystems.co.uk for further information. Argos are selling the complete system for only
  11. I have tried to purchase the Ford Sd product at not one, not two but three different Ford garages in and around the Wokingham area and none of them stock it or use. When I queried this they simply said that the use the same oil for throughout their business when servicing a car. Hence the reason why I purchased my own oil, and whilst I appreciate the fact that Millers XFE-PD might not be approved to the Ford specification it is certainly approved and reccommended by VW and they built the engine!
  12. Thanks for all of the replies. Based on the current track record of the dealer and Ford UK I will be supplying my own oil form now on. In the meantime I am still awaiting a response form the dealer with regard to the Formula S 5W-40 that they have put in my engine as opposed to the Formula SD 5W-40 that they should have used. Faxes and letters have been sent to the dealer, lets hope they respond (bet they don't). Should have listened to my dad, "if you want a job done properly, do it yourself" If in doubt use Millers XFE PD for fixed servicing or Castrol SLX Longlife II for variable servicing and don't let anybody tell you different!
  13. Hi Having just had the first service completed by the garage that supplied the car, I queried the oil that they put in as the oil that they supplied for "topping up" was only 5w-30. They informed me that it was fine and not to worry, however when I phoned Ford Uk they told me in no uncertain terms to get the garage to change it. This has now been done and having researched the subject of oil within this site I think that they have still put the wrong oil in. The garage re-filled my Galaxy with Formula S 5w-40 and I have since discovered that they should have used Formula SD 5w-40. I assume there is a difference if so what? I know that at the next service I will taking in my own oil and the most popular choice appears to be Millers XFE-PD for the fixed service intervals, whilst it would appear that if you choose to use the variable service method then Castrol SLX Longlife II appears to be the best option. In the meantime I guess that I will have to write a letter to both the garage (Reg Vardy Ford - Reading) and to Ford UK requesting confirmation in writing that the current oil in my Galaxy ois correct. Heres hoping.
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