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    ford galaxy 2.3 ghia x
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  1. Happy New Year all. I have been unable to log in fully on my new PC (Vista), the message tells me that my posting permissions have not been granted (or something like that). I can access my profile and others profiles from the logged in window, but I couldn't message anyone. I have tried to re-register using a different e-mail address but the security icons just show - well, no icons! I have started up my steam driven laptop (XP) and access is not a problem. It, a security ossue I suppose. How do I get over it please?
  2. Wifey has a 1999 Ghia X, I've just had a look at the registration doc and MOT. Ghia X is on both - hope this helps.
  3. Thanks Stevoo, will do. Steve
  4. Hi all, I have looked on FAQs and in my CD manual, but I can't find how to remove the side indicator lenses on the wings, I don't want to force them (I have tried to lever them out), so will some kind forum member please set me in the right direction. Steve
  5. I took it to a local repair shop /body shop last week. They hosed it down with a power washer and a hosepipe with a lad squeezed under the glove compartment, nothing came in through the heater or on top of the carpet. The problem is under the sound proofing. I had hoped they would have removed this and done the job properly - no further work for them! It could be a windscreen leak build up, I have now drilled a hole at the lowest point of the passenger floor pan, so any excess will drain away before it fills up the fotwell. In the meantime I will keep stuffing newspaper under the soundproofing (where I cut the trap out) and blot up the ingress. Cheers for the replies. Steve
  6. Gaz Thanks mate, just the job, all printed off and I'll give it a good look at when this rain stops. I've had to cut a square of the stuff under the carpet out (sort of a trap door) so that I can dry it out a bit better, the smell was a bit rank so it must have been leaking for some time. I have never noticed it before and we've had the car since August - strange. I thought it would have misted up with all that water sloshing around under the carpets. Steve
  7. Further to my previous posts; the loom was stripped and the feed to the rear washer checked, there is no join at floor level, further inspection revealed a push fit connection adjacent to the glove box, all connections OK, no leaks here. There is so much water in the seat well that it is hard to determine if water is coming in when I did a hose pipe test - I'll try again when the well dries out a bit. The scuttle drain is free and clear. Is it possible that the torrential rain was too much for the scuttle drain? Could the windscreen be leaking and where would be the obvious place tto look when performing a hose pipe test?
  8. Thanks for the replies. I did remove the road wheel and wheel arch cover, the scuttle drain was clear and the two way flap thingy had obviously been removed at a previous time, water flowed well through the gap when I poured it over the windscreen. I will check the rear washer pipe, but there was so much water in the well I suspect it's rain coming in, the water didn't smell of washer fluid either.
  9. I have checked the faq's and followed the instructions on this post, all seems OK and the water is running out freely. The car has been standing mostly on flat ground, it isn't used much, so the water hasn't blown or splashed in. The carpet is only sodden in the well and there doesn't appear any damp patches on the sides and there is no indication of a drip or run. Can you please help? Steve
  10. I wonder if the CWU's interests are really for the workforces future, or maybe their interest in keeping manning levels to the present number have someting to do with that 40,000 lost
  11. I work for the Royal Mail as an LGV driver and although the majority of the artic drivers voted not to strike we were called out by the overall majority - that's democracy I suppose. Many people are not on strike and they have handed back their union cards because they feel they have been badly led by a dinosaur and Luddite union. And I have to say I agree with them. Conscience won't allow me to scab at this moment, but that is a battle going on in my head, I can't make a clear judgement unfortunately. But RM deciding that they can just turn a final salary pension into a career average pension, plus, extend the pensionable age by five years is a pretty big call. Many long service employees (I'm not one of them) will lose a huge amount of money just because RM took a pension holiday for thirteen years. I joined RM three years ago because it was a nice easy job to see me out to retirement (or so I thought) and it was pretty well paid as class 1 drivers jobs go. But, we the network drivers signed up to a new agreement (April 2007) and give the RM the flexibility they want from the other employees. If I don't like what I'm given to do I will look for alternative employment (not that easy at 59) as I have quite a few strings to my bow. Flexibility means to me that I can no longer work a flat week and have to do the hours I'm given. At present that is working up to a 55hour week (including statuary breaks), starting from 10am or later in the morning and finishing up to 6am. One week I work six days the following week five. All runs are within the EU rules and EU working directive. The biggest anomaly which the CWU endorse, is duty picking preference, based on the length of service an employee has; a long service employee can cherry pick the easiest/best paying duty. The rest of us pick up the scraps - hardly left wing democracy and equality. The CWU are Luddite and (IMO) will be responsible for starting the ball rolling for the government and RM to start a massive reduction in the postal service, as we all know it. But hey! the CWU are enjoying their Warholian moment of fame.
  12. Thanks, hmmmmmm! looks like a job you could start and wish you hadn't - I've done plenty of them! But I'll probably give it a go in the morning.
  13. I know it exists, I've found the wiring diagram on my new Gal CD. I've also checked the FAQ's (no b*llocking due here then!) and no info. So; how do I access the the gear shift status legend to replace the bulb pleeeeeeeeze? Once this has been done, everything electrical, and I mean everything, will be working, for the time being anyway.
  14. folowing the brilliant instructions I removed the clock whilst parked in Halfords car park to find a spare bulb sellotaped to the inside of the clock body. Not only spooky but lucky too ;)
  15. I think we all have to take a look at the behaviour of all road users, there are good and bad in every category. I cycle about 1.5k miles a year, drive an artic 80k miles a year and drive a car about 20k miles a year. I have some strong opinions about all road users!!! :D Young cyclists in particular are becoming their own worst enemy with the careless way they cycle on the pavements completely ignoring pedestrians, a lot of young cyclists have no manners in any type of situation, so why would it be any different when they're on a bike? Their attitude to traffic regulation also appears to be non-existent. But for us well mannered cyclists ;) the biggest threat is the busy period between 8:00am and 9:am. With mums on the school run being the worst offenders; they just drive straight at you! A flimsy polystyrene helmet's going to do a lot of good if you get hit by some mad woman trying to make up lost time because little Johnny forgot to pack his gym shoes and she might be late for work. Tolerance, education about road use from an early age; and general lessons in manners for all ages would be a good start.
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