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Everything posted by syedorf

  1. hi did you check that the turbo pipes arent split? get someone to rev it and listen in the bay for a large whooshing
  2. hi there was on my way home before on the motorway doing 65 and i tried accelerating and the power was on off on off etc etc for about 3 miles it did it continously i have had occasional little blips but this was major so i have spent the last couple of hours trawling through some posts and the faq but nothing the same i will have to have a look at the vacuum hoses tomorrow but i am not sure that is the problem as it surely would stay with no power if a hose wasnt supplying vacuum to wastegate map sensor etc has anyone had this fault or is it just starting a problem with the vac pipes cheers si
  3. hi everyone i am after a rear boot handle an alloy wheel the six hole 16 inch type tyre or not also blue speaker covers if anyone can help cheers
  4. hi there are you sure that they are double bulbs and not single i cant remember also does the problem occur with the sidelights aswell or is it just the dipped beam
  5. j p exhausts in macclesfield are meant to be good for custom exhausts just depends where you live to get a quote i dont know there phone no though
  6. i have exactly the same problem have had it for 2 years now and it aint got any worse am in the middle of fitting a new clutch i say in the middle because i boght a clutch of euro car parts and when i took my box of it was wrong he assured me it was a manufacturing defect and sent me the same clutch again so 2 weeks later i took my gbox off again to find it wrong again i ended up getting 1 from tps for 10 pounds more by the way i changed the concentric slave cylinder the first time i will post to the thread if this fixes it i dont think it will as there seemed to be an issue of play in the gear selector and it wouldnt always go in u can get the selector seperate as i priced one when the dreaded bolt snapped inside the box (i found that on here) thx
  7. my mk1 carries 2 switches i replaced both but had to remove the lower panel as i couldnt see the other 1 1 is blue 1 is black
  8. hi john i am sure that i have read about an earth problem on the cluster for a mk 1 i just cant find it again before u buy a second hand unit try some more searching
  9. it should have a vacuum hose connected to it somewhere after the butterfly it uses vacuum to guage engine load hence after the butterfly usually they are on the bulk head but not sure on galaxy but try google
  10. hi i have tried the pumping of the pedal and it doesnt work i thought maybe the pinch bolt on the raise and lower linkage because reverse may need extra movement for the extra gear
  11. that is exactly the same as mine i have heard of a pich bolt coming loose has any1 had similar symptoms from this?
  12. did the mechanic say what trouble code 1550 meant as that is a manufacture code not eobd and if it doesnt say what it is on the diagnostic machine that is why he is geussing take it to the dealers for just a diagnostic check and then get him to fix it
  13. i have found that a rubber wheel atachment for a drill is best try a harware shop i called them a cramel wheel but not sure of the real name it takes about 2 mins just take it nice n easy
  14. hi there thanks for the reply but if the clutch wasnt disengaging then why do i only get the problem in reverse thanks again
  15. my dad has exactly the same problem on his diesel so i think it must just be on the diesels
  16. hi there i was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem i cant get reverse gear at first attempt sometimes it take a couple of mins and i have too run through the gears or put it in first with the brakes on and let the clutch bite then it will go in it is driving me mad i dont think it is a fault with the cable linkage as i can get all other gears no problems thanks in advance
  17. you should get an auto box service done we do this on the mercedes autoboxs at work we change th atf fluid filter and sump gasket we do this for 175 including vat but the fluid is 10 a litre as it is not normal atf (dexron 2) do not try this yourself take it to a specialist whenever we get a gearbox fault we always try this first unless there are certain fault codes in the ecu
  18. my 97 tdi alham will unlock open and close the windows but will not lock the damn doors tried reprogramming but its still the same not the end of the world fo a ten year old car but very annoying
  19. hi nige22 i got a 12 inch roof mount for
  20. hi chicken to get a head skimmed [i recommend this whith full head set inc new bolts] you need to remove the full cam remove the rocker cover [top engine cover] then there should be five or six cam carriers that hold the cam down remove these then mark which 1 came from where as they are worn individually use tippex then when refitting remove tippex before reinstalling then you should see all the valves closed this is when you turn it upside down then use the petrol though i have never done this i usually just look for :fresh: marks on the cylinder it is a top idea thoughi will use it in future when you have the head skimmed just leave the carriers loose when you refit the head also you should replace the water pump at the same time i know it is irelevant but it is easy to do when the timing belt is stripped off sorry forgot to mention before you should remove the cam followers [ buckets] before sending to get skimmed ps yes i di mean tighten cam after head has been torqued down in the set procedure [stages]
  21. brookydave what is a cam catnery and how can this tell how flat the head is i havent heard of 1 of these and it could save me a lot of money as i do a lot of old merc heads thx
  22. when you lift the head back on you should not have the cam tightened down as this lifts the valves down just leave them loose then tighten them after tis should avoid any damage
  23. hi do as seatkid says but get a full head set these inculde exhaust and inlet gaskets and new bolts as the bolts could be stretched i would also recommend all new valves and a head skim some people dont bother as it hasnt overheated but it is always worth it for roughly 25 pound it could save you taking the head off also observe the tightening sequence in reverse when taking the head off the tightening sequence should look something like this 7 3 1 5 9 8 4 2 6 10 also clean the block up thoroughly with some 80 sand paper and wd40 then dty it off prior to lifting head back on it also helps on the exhaust manifold and side of the head i have never done one on galaxy so i dont know if they are very hard or not draw diagrams and take pictures and mark wires up with masking tape and write where they go if you have done the belt you should be able to do this just take your time
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