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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 1.9 TDI
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  • Region
    South West

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. I haven't had the timing checked, the timing belt was changed just before I bought the car back in April this year. As for the mileage it's quite high from what I remember as the car is at the garage!!!
  2. No kev, had the head skimmed, that was one of the first problems I had with the car - that part is sorted!!
  3. Looks like it could be a costly job!! It'll probably end up in a blood oops money sucking Ford garage
  4. Could the fuel pump be at fault?? To top it all today on a test drive, the replacement draftshaft exploded and set the passenger air bag off!! I think I have a bit of a sick car!! :16:
  5. A friend has suggested that it may have something to do with the fuel level in the tank! There may be a whole in the sender pipe, therefore sucking in air aswell as diesel!
  6. The white smoke stays there permanently!!
  7. Can anyone help me??? Please :D I own a 1.9 TDI and recently she has began to faulter when starting, when she starts (normally 2nd time) she releases white smoke constantly from the exhaust and stinks of diesel. However when she is running she goes like the wind! She is a Y reg and I love her dearly! ;) Please help!!
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