Hi fisrtly what a great site lots of information available. I am new here and like most i guess have found this site whilst looking for information regarding the ford Galaxy. I have a 1997 2.8 V6 4X4 Auto. The problem is that is will not start, when the key is placed in the ignition the led in the drivers door flashes fast. The main battery had to be replaced as it was completly flat as was the battery in the i/r remote key fob. Now if I try to start the thing nothing happens, the starter does not energise and I can't hear the fuel pump. If I leave the ignition in the run position and put a live the the starter soleniod the engine will start for about a second then cut out, if I try to start it again without turning the key back to the off position first then it will not start again. The key fob will not open the doors either (yes I have followed the instructions posts in FAQs) Any ideas? Cheers