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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by cody

  1. Ed out of interest how much was the crank position and cam shaft sensor? Cheers
  2. I have the same issue as above where the key flashes five times and not the LED in the door. Mine is a 1997 2.8V6 Galaxy. Any ideas? I know that I need a new key as I have lost the transponder chip when I changed the batteries, but this should not have an affect on the remote cntral locking should it?
  3. Looking through some more threads does the V6 have relay 30? I am sure that when I looked last night there was no relay present (30 or 27) Anyone know?
  4. What next? Can any suggest where to buy a new key or immobiliser chip? How much should I expect to pay? Does this have to go back to Ford if so do they need the car? Cheers
  5. Just thought I would say Hi. I have recent had a failure of the Immobiliser on my V6 4x4 Galaxy as described in my other post. Stumbled across this great resource whilst surfing the net for information. Can't wait to get the Gal back on the road again, had plenty of Fords before mostly old School stuff that is easy to work on! Last modded ford was a 2.4 cossy powered transit. Cheers Cody
  6. will depend on the version of the system you have - IIRC it changed in 1997 from the 'red security key required to program new keys' top the 2 working keys needed to program a third. If you have the first system and the red key you can probablty sort it for
  7. Thanks Guess I will have to trace my steps backwards now. Pulled key apart and I can see where the chip should sit, but you where right its not there. If I can't find it what options do I have? I have an Auto electricain booked for Wednesday but would prefer to fix it myself and save some money. Thanks for the help.
  8. I hope not how big would it have been? what does it look like? If i take the key apart where would the chip be? Cheers
  9. Hi fisrtly what a great site lots of information available. I am new here and like most i guess have found this site whilst looking for information regarding the ford Galaxy. I have a 1997 2.8 V6 4X4 Auto. The problem is that is will not start, when the key is placed in the ignition the led in the drivers door flashes fast. The main battery had to be replaced as it was completly flat as was the battery in the i/r remote key fob. Now if I try to start the thing nothing happens, the starter does not energise and I can't hear the fuel pump. If I leave the ignition in the run position and put a live the the starter soleniod the engine will start for about a second then cut out, if I try to start it again without turning the key back to the off position first then it will not start again. The key fob will not open the doors either (yes I have followed the instructions posts in FAQs) Any ideas? Cheers
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