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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy mk2
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    South West

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  1. hi, i have changed the rear BPads, as the sensor was on and they were worn. Guy at parts said i could have one for
  2. hi, hoping that someone will be able to help again, (what would we have done without you all???????????) Climate control had worn out, replaced with one from ebay, please dont groan All in ok works fine, except for flashing five times which other post suggest could be air con gasing i am ok with that. but, outside air temp is reading 000 have i the wrong unit or has husband knocked the sensor as he has also be changing the clutch Slave and master cylinde or replacing climate control unit please help (where is the out side temp sensor?) We have brought another so i need to sell this car !!!!
  3. thanks for the help,
  4. Hi, I need to replace my master cylinder, have contacted local spares suppliers but all state need to be brought form main dealer, "fraud" have quoted me
  5. sorry have just searched the other area and found some other postings about this problem which refer to the "TMAP sensor" can someone explain where this is and what it does please many thanks
  6. Hi, have been having problems with power, changed maf no change car went in for diagnostics and returned with the following: P1557 Turbo pressure control limit exceeding, and is thefore putting car into limp home mode has anyone got any further suggestions regards
  7. sorry i did mean the MAF
  8. hi, thanks for the reply, I have replaced the MFA but no improvement any other suggestions please?
  9. hi, I have a deisiel 1.9 2001, the engine mis fires at 2000 rev in all gears, then accel ok. Then every now and again total lose of engine power on steep hills, It happens at all speeds , and reduces the speed from 80 to 10 miles per hour, hazard lights are getting a lot of use at the moment!! inbetween the car flies along? Any suggestions would be welcolmed
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