Folks, My Galaxy, which is now 1 and 1/2 years old and which I bought at 8 months old, has just had some sort of major fit. It will not start (it won't even turn over) and I am getting information messages regarding power steering malfunction and engine malfunction. I don't believe the battery is flat as there are still lights (although dim) and I did hook it up to my own car to make sure. There were also some very strange noises coming from the middle area of the dash. My suspicion is that there is an engine managment system or electrics problem. I contacted the dealer I bought the car from who said that it sounded like a programming problem and that as the car is only 1.5 years old it would be covered by warranty. The issue is however that the dealer wants to charge me for recovering the vehicle which I take great exception to, particularly if it is a problem which is covered by the warranty. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! ;)