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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by keeffy

  1. The leads were HT but the frauds wanted to charge me for a complete set when i only required one.
  2. How expensive are we talking about, and is it possible to do it yourself!!!
  3. I have a 2.8i automatic and the problems started just after some work in the garage (new leads) She now has problems moving when cold but after about 2 mins of not moving she is fine all day with no fault at all engaging gears. My question does the clutch auto adjust if not what is causing this If it does require a new clutch can i do it my self or is it a pain in the butt If so cheap parts where do i find them Your help is greatly appreciated
  4. Hi all i am the owner of a 2.8i galaxy and new to this forum. I will be asking you for all your advice if you dont mind and will also be happy to help others when i can. Starting with a problem : oooo i hear you ask When she first starts she is a bugger to get moving she is an automatic and its like the clutch is trying to get connected. I am thinking clutch but i am sure there are others out there with more experience than me. So am i right and if so what do i do. Is a clutch change a real pain or a simple fix. Your advice is as always greatly appreciated. Regards Keith
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