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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About srafferty

  • Birthday 02/11/1966

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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy 1.9tdi
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  • Location
    MilFORD, Armagh

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Member (2/8)



  1. Quite agree!! Some of these comments are outrageous!! Bad day? Keep it to your selves!! :D
  2. Make sure all moveable iteme such as gas canister etc are situated behind the axel, thus lifting the weight off tow hitch. You can expect a certain amount of wheel scrub with the extra load (drag) but if the van is balanced properly (you should be able to raise it slightly by lifting the hitch by hand - i.e. off the stabiliser wheel) your car should be within its limits.
  3. It would show "Phone" in the display if this were the case, AFAIK :blink:
  4. Which cae do you have :blink: ?
  5. Obvious Gregers! To be or not to be!! :P
  6. Door light switch? Are the interior lights coming on when you open the door?
  7. Are you certain the regulator is scuppered? Broken wire in boot between door and A pillar? :(
  8. This is a complete guess. Have you reset the counters yet? It may be because they have gone past their limit. On my Mk2 you toggle between trip values and overall values be pressing the bottom button on the wiper stalk. You reset either by holding this button for a few seconds. Worth a try! :(
  9. I recently had locking problems. Your first port of call is the loom between the door and A pillar. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...c=18183&hl= :(
  10. Does the knock occur when the vehicle is stationary - i.e. on or near full lock? If so I would be guessing your issue is belt related. I'm sure you got the correct belt and your other replacements were new? If your knocking happens on change of direction of steering I might suspect it is suspension related arbs or track rod ends. :(
  11. I would guess it would depend on which wheels you have
  12. I would guess it would depend on which wheels you have
  13. http://ford-xpert.com/component.jsp?model_...mponent_id=4065 Dealer only I would guess. VW probably cheaper :)
  14. Coma PD fully synthetic -
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