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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About gary.cool

  • Birthday 10/29/1963

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    East Midlands

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. hi there iv got a galaxy manual will it be in there?
  2. i know its probably a wheel sensor or ring but my problem is dont know which 1 because diagnostic plug has no power to it therefore cant find any thing out checked all fuses all ok there any ideas cheers
  3. my abs still playing up but cant rectify problem because diagnostic plug has no power going to it checked the fuses all ok i need to get a live feed to the diagnostic plug but not sure how to do it or which one the live is can anyone put any light on this cheers all gary
  4. hi there got a sreg 2ltr galaxy with the abs light staying on took it to my local garage where he plugged a diagnostic machine in but that said no power to the plug on the car side so couldnt diagnose said he could do it if the plug had power there any ideas cheers
  5. hi if the chip was missing would the car still start,the car still starts fine but i will check thanks. my car must be a mark 1 thanks 4 clearing that up cheers gaz
  6. hi gregers its galaxy mk 2 but not completely sure its on a s plate,i know how to program it but the light in the door doesnt light up,the key did work but my friend got a gal same as me but his key didnt work so i took mine apart put his key on my remote and it worked 4 him but when i i put my key back on it wouldnt program back up so thats why i wondered about the loose wire.
  7. hello every 1.does anybody know if there should be a loose wire coming from the door loom going into the car as i wonder if this is why i cant program my key tried everything else help!
  8. thanks greggers will do. thanks 4 the welcome and all other gal users
  9. hi every 1, just got my new gal s reg got afew teethin probs firstly key fob dont work,water in footwell,passenger door lock should have i kept the renau espace?
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