2001 Mk II Tdi Ghia - Former UK 'X' reg but now rehoused and reregistered in Co. Meath, IRELAND Hi All, signed up to the site about a year ago but still in the learner pen - MO4 many thanks for the recent email reply on what to do. I have a problem with a faulty parking sensor - searched all relevant forums and found the (non-ticking) faulty one. You really want to have a good ear to hear these things. My question - where to buy them at a reasonable price - searched ebay and came up with this link - http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Ultras...sQ5fAccessories Does anyone know if this will work/fit - had my own sensor off for a while today (refitted it again) and from memory it looks as if its the right one Many thanks for the dig out, Spfeno PS - hope I've put this in the right forum/location - MO4 you can slap me over the wrist if its not