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Everything posted by madscouser

  1. I have had nothing but trouble with mine for over a year, had parts replaced and regassed, then few months ago it went again, bought a can of refill from Halfords (40 quid robbing bas*****) any way as soon as i put it in all was well until hisssssssssss, theres a hole in a pipe just below offside headlight unit. strip it all down, I could still not get to it, so out came the hacksaw and started cutting away, finally found the hole and repaired it with a spring connector and rubber patch with some cement compound, basically like a puncture repair kit for bikes, all is well now just need more of that expensive refill!!! Grrrr
  2. Your motor has to be less than 10 years old, and less than 100,000 miles, you must have a good service history! but not sure about that bit, cos my motor that went bang had hardly any and they did not check. I think its only mechanical, like if you are going along and your gear box fell out, they would replace it up to a cost of 1000.00 you pay the first 20 odd quid and the difference should it go over 1000. I dont think it would cover air con, because you can still move your motor should it fail...
  3. Im pleased with the end result, however the LCD screen is difficuilt to see during the day, spot on at night though, so we are only taking the kids out at night to get my moneys worth. :lol:
  4. I pay 19 quid a month to the AA, which covers roadside and home recovery it also has a warranty with it that should my motor break down, and it cannot be fixed ie, big problem, they will tow it to a garage and I will be covered for upto a grands worth of work, and I can make 3 claims a year, it was worth having when my engine seized and they paid out 700 quid to have it sorted. my AA cover is about 15 quid a month, the warranty cover is 4 quid a month, do the math over 12 months, its well worth it to me. But thats my opinion.
  5. Hi everyone heres my installation with some pics. thanks to Bleeno and others for help with daft problems Picture 1, I decide to cut away the roof lining (as when I sell the motor the screen will be going with it). and used epoxy resin to secure 3 batons( tip, use a 4th baton longer than the gap in the lining to hold in place the 3 batons). I then screwed a small piece of 5 ml board the size of the roof lining to the batons, sorry no pic but you get the idea. Picture 2, I secured the Ps 2 slimline into the cubby hole in the rear, I removed and drilled some small holes in the bottom of the cubby hole to allow air to circulate around the ps2, also to allow connection. all the wires are hidden behind the matting were the first aid box goes. Picture 3, The power unit fits nicely in the gap under the passenger seat as in picture 4, the reason its here is because its easy to pull up the sill board should a fuse ever pop. Picture 4, A different view of the fuse box. Picture 5, is the wireless Fm sender, now wired correctley, (thanks Bleeno). I have placed this in the left hand cubby hole, tapped a live feed off the 12v aux socket and wired the earth straight to the car body, aerial wire is hidden up inside the car body, I get excellent reception from here if it ever gets bad, I may try and move it to nearer the radio. Picure 6 and 7, 11inch monitor installed. Only took 4 days! and about 5 fuses blowing to make me realise I wont bother again, however I have seen a new all in one dvd and monitor with speakers and usb connection on ebay, so in a few months may buy one of them all the wiring is now in place for future projects. Im no expert but thanks to fordgalaxy.org and its members I got there in the end, if any one need advice on how not to do it let me know and I will try and help.
  6. Didn't think we had any coastline in the Midlands ? Kev Im near sunny Mabo, if ya know it, Im not very good at geography but its near to the midlands.
  7. Ha Ha, I live in a seaside town thats straight out of the dark ages, all the shopkeepers moan of having a bad season because of the weather, yet the lazy sods still close half day, reminds me of being 8 again visiting my family on a sunday, when the only place open was the Pub.
  8. Sorted it now Bleeno, I have re-routed all the wires as I found a wire running throught the bulk head, I should of looked first really but did not want to mess with any other wires, I dug my trusty tone tracer out and found the little s*** hiding under the carpet in passenger side, I have connected straight to this with an inline fuse near to the battery, all is well so far, I will not be attempting another install again its a nightmare....thanks for all ya advice mate..
  9. Cheers Dave, its a pain in the a*** sorry I started the job now.
  10. Ok this is becoming a joke, I sort one thing and another pops up, now the lcd cuts out, the fuses have not blown, all check it will then come on again after about 20 mins, I presume its getting too hot and cutting out....HELP
  11. Cheers Bleeno, its sorted red = 12v, white= earth and black aerial, it works great well until I move the motor and it will probably be crap...
  12. Ok this in car dvd is not as easy to install as it says on the box, 4 hour job turning into 4 days...I have attached a pic here of an Fm transmitter, there is no plug to attach to the back of the car stereo, so I presume its wireless, the question is which wire is which, any one else installed one of these that can help...
  13. Thanks Bleeno, I have now got it wired up, installed ps2, thought I had all I needed for the job, but need some extra little bits, problem around where I live is electrical shops still close on a wednesday how frustrating.
  14. Hi everyone, got my monitor delivered today, I have a fair idea how to wire it up, ie live and earth, but I have heard if you wire these straight to the battery you can damage the monitor, does anyone know the best way to wire one in, I have searched and seen bagpuss's excellent install, but no were can i find the best way to wire one up, cheers....oh I did run a tester wire from the battery and there were lines all over the screenI think maybe too much power
  15. Cheers Kev, when out today and bought the haynes ice manual..... I am having my 11 inch screen delivered this week, got the inverter and I have pinched my missus ps2 slimline, for the boot, she moaned a bit till I told her she will now be allowed to play on my ps3...
  16. Hi does anyone know if its safe to just screw the base to the roof, im thinking it will go right through the top as probably only one skin,any advice
  17. Hi Kev I cannot believe how much money I am saving on fuel, so much so I can now afford a monitor and ps2 for it
  18. Hi everyone I have been waiting to get one of these lovely motors for years but could not afford it now I have one Im off to travel the country
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