Hi there, i have stumbled upon this website in my desperate search for a solution to my mind numbing headache that is my car, i will start at the beginning, i bought the car as a non runner which had locked up on no1 cylinder, bending the con-rod, it was said that the sump filled with diesel through an injector? anyway i replaced the con-rod, shells, piston rings, cam shells on all 4 cylinders and replaced no1 piston, after rebuilding there was a definite lack of power so i had it plugged in and it showed a boost fault, so i preceded to replace the boost control vac unit and had my turbo overhauled, now there is slightly more power but it is still underpowered, top speed of 80 mph and gutless until around 2000 rpm, i then tried a plug in tuning chip on the fuel temp circuit, it then became a little more lively but still gutless below 2000 rpm, i have also changed the maf by the way, the car also cuts out occasionally when starting from cold then runs rough for around 30 seconds and drives for around 1/4 of a mile before cutting out again, after about a minute of cranking it will then start and drive on, until the next time, after pulling my hair out i decided to take the car to Delphi fuel injection specialists for a diagnostic, well they had the car for 2 days and stated that the power loss was because the boost control switch was dumping the pressure through the vac pipe exhaust on the inner wing, couldnt explain why though? and the cutting out was most probably the fuel pump? but on the bright side he said there was nothing wrong on the injection side! please is there anyone out there who can help me with this? my wife is going mad as i sold our family car (1999 renault espace 2.2td) to buy this headache, if anyone is local to liverpool and wants to have a go at fixing it i would be more than happy to pay you! cheers Kev....