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  1. Hi just had problem with all windows staying down. Traced fuses and main box requires you to take the front drivers facia partly off then the easliy accessed fuse area folds down as a module to get to level 2 and 3 with relays too. Quite awkward but nice to know whats there. Ended up putting a link in to front window switch and dot windows up. I suspect previous day partner spilt coffee next to handbrake as the problem went 24hrs later. Never did find fuse 71?
  2. Hi my air con has been off - had it checked and they said it was full didnt need re-gassing - how can I check clutch electrics and what fuses thanks
  3. I confess to not knowing much about car mechanics ....until a month ago. Have now removed head and had it rebuilt following timing belt failure. Bit job - very big for me but followed Haynes and had bags of help from my friend Chris B - big thank you to him. Well the mechanics could be easier if the timing belt top cover didnt surround the engine bracket on the LHS ...must have had it on and off 15 times I guess and jacking the engine up each time!!. Take note you do not have to remove Crankshaft bolt....the Haynes (Bible!!) book is a bit vague in places but just take the 4 bolts out on the bottom pully and it will slide off giving access to the bottom to fit the new belt. BIG note when to replace Ford quote 40000miles I hear and 30000 for heavy use but a database for most of the car spares suppliers quotes 60000 I have heard of an internal letter VW/Audi to replace at 20000!!!! An issue here is of 'Fit for Purpose' If I get replies I will in 2 months make a formal complain to Ford VW about the design life of the belt and likely usage. It seems to me that as it is now so low, the replacement time recommended, and they must have the stats on this, that there should be some notification of an effective nature to owners. Possibly recompence of some sort too - perhaps the belt and tensioner at cost? This is also such an imbalance in the recommended times of replacement that failures must occur which, with the correct advice, could have been avoided. This extends to 'Duty of Care" where failures ....car at 70 mph on motorway.... that some level of accidents will occur as a result of the withholding of this information. This is significant risk and so a notification to the Vehicle Inspectorate is necessary. I will again do this soon. email to projectzinternational@gmail.com if you send details of failures please give ..............milages for the timing belt + when it happened + cost to you + dealer if you used one thanks for all your help reading the links gave me bags of assistance
  4. hi my 1.9TDi pushes 56mpg on flat motorway at 50mph can get 60+ at 45mph
  5. Hi my air con has been off - had it checked and they said it was full didnt need re-gassing - how can I check clutch electrics and what fuses thanks
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