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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by shirudell

  1. My May 2007 new model galaxy has problems too, we've had a string of trim defects and even a factory fitted mishapen alloy wheel! Our engine lurches from low revs, if you try to accelerate gently from 1200 rpm up it seems to pulse on and off resulting in a very uncomfortable and probably-not-too-good-for-the-transmission lurching feeling. I have a SEAT Leon 1.9 Tdi and it is as smooth as silk from 900rpm all the way to 6000. However I had that remapped after about 6000 miles. It has now done 90000 miles and absolutely no problems, smooth and fun to drive. I also owned an Alhambra 1.9TDi before our galaxy and the eninge in that was fine too. I would like to hear if any new model galaxy owners have remapped their engines? There are lots of products around on the market to do it, does anyone have any experiences with a remapped 2.0 TDCi engine? :lol:
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