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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Noel

  1. Thanks for the replys, I'm not sure when the last major service was as I only bought the Galaxy in August. I think i'll take a look at the 48month service and see whats involved in that and hopfully give it a try. Many thanks, Noel. PS dont be suprised if you see a post next week labeled "HEEEEELLPPPP!!!" :D
  2. Hi, I've just looked thro the pdfs for the 60,000 mile service and can see nothing out of the ordinary (no mention of belt changes). Why would the ford dealer tell me it was a major service that i needed? Just to recap 1997 P Reg V6 2.8ltr with 58,000 on the clock. Should i be looking at one of the other service intervals or was he pulling a fast one? Thanks, Noel.
  3. Thanks for the reply mumof4 but unfortunately using the options does not allow me to download the pdfs either. :lol: Any other ideas?? Thanks, Noel. Dont worry, this trainee just needed some more training!! :lol: I managed to get them by viewing the printer friendly version. Many thanks.
  4. Hi, I've been trying to download the service manuals in the post but am having a problem, i get an error page saying i dont have permission. :lol: Can someone tell me what is involved in servicing a Galaxy (1997 P Reg with 58,0000 on the clock). I used to tinker with my old Cortinas before i had company cars and am hoping that I can remember enough to save myself some of the
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