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    galaxy 2.3litre zetec
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    South East

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  1. Just to let all you helpful people out there, we finally got our car back today with new lock and 2 new keys thanks to the garage over the road. They managed to get the key out but it did the same thing over again so needed new barrel. However, I now have a key to manually open the door with and the old key to drive the car with! Can I do anything about this? Or am I destined to spend life manually??! (Did enjoy the short period of my life when the blummin automatic key actually worked!!). The garage charged us
  2. You guys definitely have too much time on your hands!! (Did manage up to level 8 or 9 before Big Brother) MrsNick
  3. You have to want to give up, my big thing was I didn't want to be a forty year old smoker, so the hypnosis was a 40th b'day present. Seriously thought I'd miss it loads and couldn't have done it by will power (haven't got any!). But nowt worse than an ex smoker harping on so I'll shut up!!
  4. Wonkydog, 17?? How??? I'm now stuck on 6 (thanks for tip on 5!) Have to walk the dog and eat now, but might come back to it after Big Brother!!
  5. Ooh, that's an addictive one Wonky Dog, am going to have to return to this after feeding time at the zoo, how do you get past stage 5?? Mrs Nick27
  6. Just to add to this thread which hasn't been added to in a while but might help someone out there.. I gave up smoking through hypnosis, I smoked for 20 years and was dreading giving up, I really wanted to but was absolutely convinced I couldn't manage a cup of tea, beer, chat with friend, whatever the normal trigger, without a fag. Had one hour session, chatted for 40 mins of it, hypnotised for 20, (of which I can clearly remember 80% of what was said- it's not like going 'under' in anyway and isn't at all scary!) came out thinking,'well, that didn't work' but haven't had a fag since. Don't think about it, have spent several occasions down pub / at party / with friends, not bothered at all. Mr Nick still smokes and apart from smelly breath, I'm not fussed by that either, honestly, best thing I ever did! :16:
  7. mumof4, thanks for all your help, wouldn't dream of blaming anyone, have just been glad of all the support today. Will attempt to get barrel out, not having much luck so far, Mr Nick27 (I'm the one who can type!) is busy down there as I speak. Have motor co over road we can deliver to in the morning if all goes pear shaped. Will let you know
  8. Have got door card off, however cannot get to the workings of the lock to see what the jam is caused by, can feel the barrel etc. Is it worth taking the barrel out and if so how?? (Approx 3.5 hrs daylight left!!)
  9. Thanks you two! Actually he's a she but wanted a blokey mantle in case answer was v simple and had lots of doh! women eh? comments!! Will try removal of door card, as you say, few hours of daylight left!!
  10. The door does open and close, and you can still operate the immobiliser with the key fob taken off the key (which stays stuck in the lock). It locks all of the doors except the driver's door because the key will not return to the upright locked position. If it did, we think it would be able to be removed. The LED flashes as it would when normally locked and the hazzards flash approx 10 times when the door is opened. Does that make any sense??
  11. Just a quick note to say thank goodness I found this site - SO useful! We have owned our Galaxy 2.3l zetec X reg for 4 years and have had no problems apart from a dodgy keyfob (which I now know how to reset thanks to you guys!) and now a jammed key in the driver's lock which is why I have spent my Sunday trawling the net for help!! Will definitely visit again and thanks to mumof4 for your suggestions! A good weekend to you all, Nick27
  12. We can get in and out of the car, we can drive it as we have a spare key, so can drive with the main autokey still in the door lock. Obviously can't leave it anywhere for security reasons! The key will turn clockwise to a horizontal position but cannot return to a complete 'upright' position, it's stuck in between. We now have the red light in the door flashing and the hazzards going on and off when we open the door, which leads me to believe it's an electrical problem. Read a thread re programming the keyfob to see if that helped but can't get the blummin thing out of the lock to point at the mirror!! Thanks for your suggestions mumof4, they are appreciated!
  13. We've got a 2.3l zetec X reg, (can't remember what year that makes it!) Tried the WD40. did nothing. Any other suggestions?
  14. Has anyone experienced a jammed key in their Galaxy? We opened our car manually (as the autokey hasn't worked for some time), used the boot, shut the door. I then inadvertenly put the key in the drivers door lock to unlock it again without thinking. It seized the key and we can't get it back out. Do you think it's an electrical fault connected to the alarm system or a mechanical problem? Cheers
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