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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Octavia L&K

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    Octavia L&K
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    North West

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  1. Click Here Working link for you mate!
  2. Stop being a cheap arse, and buy the full version. It only works out at around
  3. How can it be a "Super Car" When it doesn't hit the Holy Grial of 200MPH. But never the less, I will pick again, and come back to you all. Chris
  4. For me, it would have to be this http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f175/jess0202/355front.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f175/jess0202/355back.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f175/jess0202/355side.jpg Ferrari 355 Spyder F1. Always wanted one of these, and one day will have, just got to get saving. Chris
  5. That was just an episode of the simpsons, or was it a real story that the Simpsons stole the idea off??? Chris
  6. Have a read of this joke, I know its a link, but its one of the best things I have seen in a while. Clever boy Chris
  7. My official Vag com Cable, WILL work with Biscuits Galaxy. But it is the Vag PD engine, so unless it is a Vag engine, dont think it will be the same. And it wont do all the functions, i dont think. Chris
  8. Lets all hope and pray that Maddie is safe and well, and that she is found very soon. Chris
  9. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f175/jess0202/PoliceKnob.jpg Bet he feels a right Cock. (Look at the exhaust)
  10. In my car, because it doesn't have the aerodynamics of a wardrobe, sideways. I can regularly get (on longer motorway journeys) upto 70MPG, but because i have a lead right foot, and alot of power under the bonnet, i normally get around 35 mpg. So if we are going by Mumof4's reasoning, I win, Because i have a big todger, but must also know how to use it!! lol. Chris
  11. what a surprise actually all of glens sites seem to have gone at the time - certainly - the Pic forum, and the Harry potter one both went Harry Potter Forum. I'm sorry, but people need to start getting lives. Harry Potter!!! Cant believe people would want to go on a forum and talk about him. Sorry, if anyone likes his books, films, him or anything to do with him, but i dont Well, Maybe the girl who plays Hermione, she fit, and legal now, lol. Chris
  12. Thanks for the pictures. Look nice dont they!!! Thanks for a great day out, and Mumof4, im blaming your kids for my bad back, bad knee, and also my headache, lol. Hope you all had a good day too, know me and Darrel did. Chris
  13. Thank you very much for the invite, and for posting the link. Biscuit has just phoned me asking me about it, as he saw your post. Am hoping to come. Will let you know shortly. Chris
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