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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 19TDI 2003
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  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Ebay is probably the cheapest and best place to look, it was where i got my genuine 16inch alloys when i changed over from steels. I had a quick look and these (from the image) look real nice and i think black wheels sets a car off, Its £620.00 the set maybe mail them and haggle :) im my opinion genuine wheels look better than after market. Ebay sale - 2006 FORD GALAXY 18inch Alloy Wheel and Tyre Set http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqN,!jEE37qe(Od4BOBPm87sOw~~0_12.JPG
  2. Some major updates have been made to Pure Tyres website since I last posted and now has loads of valuable tyre information such as all vehicles tyre pressure & some wheel nut torque setting, this is the ford tyre pressure section. Pure Tyres Norwich - Ford Tyre Pressures
  3. Hi All As A fellow Galaxy owner Pure Tyre Mobile Norwich offered To give extra discount when quoting "Galaxy Owners Club" So if you are based in the Norfolk area and need Tyres, Batteries or Brakes fitted then give them a call and they will come to you. 01603 462959 www.puretyre.co.uk
  4. I had this fixed some time ago but I haven't been on here to share the results with the world. It was the "Duel Mass Fly wheel" before I got the vehicle someone had replaced the clutch and not the fly wheel. A new clutch and duel mass flywheel was fitted at around 600 pounds and job done. There is a conversion to single mass that is cheaper, but the duel mass handles the vibrations at low revs better John
  5. Im not expert but It does sound like fuel starvation which could be a number of things, the first thing i would try is changing the fuel filter. Also i would make sure that non of the fuel lines are folded restricting flow of fuel. Also you say it bounces as in running on three cyclinders sort of bouncing? if thats the case you could have a ht lead that is worn though rubbing agaist something or just out of age. hope it helps :lol:
  6. Im having a simular problem with my galaxy 2003 tdi when I purchased the bus the remote key didnt work but the light on the key throb and the led on the drivers door flashes when locked with the key. I tryied the recoding on the original key that came with the bus and had no joy. I went to a local scrap yard to get a rear wiper arm and asked if they had a galaxy key throb which after many attempts to code it i got the thing to work once. i changed the batteries on the throb i got from the scrap yard and it worked fine for 2 days now this throb no longer works. So you think it was just bad luck and its a common fault for the throb to just give up the ghost or you thing i have an intermitant fault with the control box (which is not under the passenger seat on my model)
  7. Thank you for welcoming me :lol: With the Galaxy not running it goes into 1st and reverse no problem at all so I guess it could be clutch but i dont have any slipping of the clutch so i guess the fault with the pressure plate not releasing the drive properly. Looks like I will have to get a clutch kit and give that a try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a off topic I need a drivers window regulator and dont want to pay the
  8. Hi all I have this little problem where I find it difficult sometimes to get it in and out of first and reverse and when in first the car sometimes creaps forward like i have lifted the clutch pedal slightly. Also when I hoover my foot on the clutch pedal it moves up and down slightly when I apply the throttle on and off when moving (i checked the pedal housing and its secure) It make's not sence because these are hydraulic clutch (not cable) so why is it moving slighty? I took it to work today (was going to try engine mounts but i didnt want to waste
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