OK, slight problem, but nothing major! I replaced the standard VW stereo my car came with for a cd player (sony) and fitted it myself as it was an easy one to do (pull old one out and plug new one in). at first i had to take it back to halfords as despite me asking for additional connectors, they said i didnt need them, but i did so went back for them. the issue i am having is that the stereo i purchased does not hold onto anything i programme in. I can tune all the radio stations in fine, but if i turn it off and take key out of ignition, it then loses all memory. Is this a stereo problem of is it a problem with the ignition? If i leave the key in and turn it off and then back on it retains memory, but once key has been removed it loses everything. I have swapped the red and yellow wires round at the abck of stereo, but it makes no difference. Am i being thick or is there somethign i am missing?