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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North West

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  1. cjb


    I am in Blackpool for my sins :D
  2. cjb


    and how do i stick a fuse in?? sounds stupid asking as in the back of the stereo it has a 10amp fuse and then in the fuse box in the car, it has a 5amp fuse. With the red and yellow wires i have swapped them round god knows how many times and it doesnt make a difference.
  3. cjb


    OK, slight problem, but nothing major! I replaced the standard VW stereo my car came with for a cd player (sony) and fitted it myself as it was an easy one to do (pull old one out and plug new one in). at first i had to take it back to halfords as despite me asking for additional connectors, they said i didnt need them, but i did so went back for them. the issue i am having is that the stereo i purchased does not hold onto anything i programme in. I can tune all the radio stations in fine, but if i turn it off and take key out of ignition, it then loses all memory. Is this a stereo problem of is it a problem with the ignition? If i leave the key in and turn it off and then back on it retains memory, but once key has been removed it loses everything. I have swapped the red and yellow wires round at the abck of stereo, but it makes no difference. Am i being thick or is there somethign i am missing?
  4. He is a she and she is called Cath, but i am pleased i come across as a bloke in a weird kind of way. ;)
  5. cjb


    I am in the NW - who else is here? Where in the NW are you? Anyone from Lancashire?
  6. Sorry i should have made myself a little more clearer. I have 2 integrated child seats with the 5 point harnesses. If i was to purchase a 3rd integrated child seat to put in the middle and use it with its 5 point harness there is no need for a seperate seat belt, lap belt or otherwise. Is this doable, are do they remain r/h l/h specific and will not be able to fit in the middle? Obviously it will not ba able to be used as anythign else other than a child seat with a 5 point harness, but just wondered if it would fit in and if so is it better to buy the r/h or l/h one to sit in that position?
  7. Damaged sill over here also - just on one side though. we spotted it when we took it for a tes drive so presume it has been there for a while. Why cant people be more careful?!
  8. Just wanted to add to this that i use an independant VW garage and have done for years as we have tended to stick to VW/Audi, but when they were on the search for a MPV for me, they found the option of a Sharan or a Galaxy and said they would be willing to service and fix the Ford as they are vitually the same car underneath. Always worth asking a VW place imo as they might well do the Galaxy also.
  9. Got them already as standard when i got the car. I dont know how i have survived for so long without my current purchase!! http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r138/cathbradshaw/SL270352.jpg Looking less than impressed as it was still bolt upright at that point, but is now nicely reclined for him. Thanks for the info! Am i allowed to post a pic? if not i will remove it
  10. Sorry - at work so not reading things as thoroughly as i would if i was elsewhere! Fuel tank seems like a likely source (for me personally). I had somethign similar on my Audi A4 1.9 Tdi a few years ago and it was fuel tank comtamination related so that is the only reason i say that.
  11. Just reread your post and realised you have had something done to the fuel gauge/tank. is it possible they have done something i.e got a bit of crap in the system when they had a look at it? I would be tempted to think it could be a fuel tank issue at this moment, but that is just my thoughts!
  12. Could it be a case of you could have dragged somethign through from your fuel tank (have you run too low on fuel?). Another thing could be the turbo causing the loss of power - whats the milage like? does it need looking at to have a good clear out?
  13. Do you mean the lever that makes them go down/flat? Going to go and have a look at lunch (at work atm) to see if i can get my baby a better position! cheers for that.
  14. I have 2 integrated child seats and 3 kids (atm). My eldest is 5 and uses a booster seat wherever she wants to sit (front or back) and the other 2 are aged 3 and 1 and they are using the integrated child seats. the problem i have is obviously my 1 year old falls asleep in the car at times and with these integrated child seats, he is sat bolt upright so his head lolls around. I have only had my sharan since last wednesday and wondered if i am missing something regarding reclining the seat slightly? Is there somethign to make them recline slightly with them all being individual seats? or are we stuck with them being bolt upright? I am tempted to go and get a seperate car seat, but wanted to check here first. My 3 year old just uses the integrated booster with the 3pt seat belt as opposed to the straps that are in the back of the seat, but when the new baby comes along, will get her booster seat out and sit her elsewhere for when baby can use the integrated seat, but as i say - babies sleep and head lolling is not good!
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