Hello my Galaxy fans need a bit of advice really It all started four years ago when i bought and fell in love with my Gal not long after i met you lot and a wonderful relationship blossomed :16: problem is last thursday my Gal started making funny noises, you know the type...like when you clean your spanners in the wifes washing machine, anyway limped to nearby engineers i've used in past and he suspects the crank... BIG EXPENSIVE JOB only i'm not so sure you see not long ago i was told (by different garage) that i didn't have a blocked injector as i thought but a stuck valve...so could this injector now be the cause of my problems.... AND NOW THE BIG QUESTION :31: :31: would i be wise to spend yet more money replacing broken bits whether it be crank or valve or do i retire my Gal and strip her down and sell th bits that are saleable? :16: i might add in last 12 months she's had new clutch/flywheel/master and slave cylinders new turbo(prob only done 10 thou) battery, alty, main belt svs 35000 ago and thats without usual stuff like brakes tyres etc as usual your input would be most valuble :D