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    Alhambra Stdi
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    northern ireland

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  1. I might be a bit late with this, anyhoo, our alhambra did somehting similar for a while. It sounded like the fan belt (accessory belt?) needed tensioned. Eventually the alternator pulley sheared off, requiring the alternator to be removed and a new pulley put on by a specialist. The pulley also smashed one of our air conditioning pipes as it left the engine bay but the air conn hasn't worked in years so i haven'y bothered trying to fix that.
  2. It's a 2004 alhambra tdi 115bhp, there's 2 pipes come off the compressor(?) one short one which goes to the air conn radiator, the other longer pipe bends over to the drivers side wing and disappears off into the interior. It's the long one which is broken.
  3. The alternator pulley sheared off a couple of weeks ago and as it exited the engine bay broke one of the air conn pipes. Typically it wasn't the short one but the long one that doesn't have any visible joins in it. Question is, how much to replace and how difficult? I presume i can't just join it with a bit of rubber hose and a couple of jubilee clips ;)
  4. after a bit of a run on sunday which warmed it through properly the light has stayed off, hopefully it was just a bit of damp got in as the car was parked somewhere more open to the elements overnight. I'm going to spray a bit of wd40 round the electrics and try a new alternator belt when i get a chance and hopefully that'll cure it permanently.
  5. under acceleration, belt is still there but showing signs of cracking,no squealing or any other problems although the missus reckoned the car was vibrating badly reversing out of a parking space yesterday? Seems to drive ok today in the quick run i had up the road and back. Car is a 2004 alhambra tdi. TIA
  6. Car's booked in for Thursday, for a new cam belt and water pump @
  7. Unfortunately it's out of warranty so i have to foot the bill myself :wacko: The Airconn was regassed shortly after i got it and it didn't make much difference, it cools the air very slightly but not enough to make any real difference. The Ticking noise only happens on left handers when driving over about 30mph, no noise on full lock at walking pace. The overheating only started yesterday, driving for about 20 miles, glanced down at the temp gauge and noticed it just above 90, kept an eye on it and when driving for a while at about 50-50 mph it went up to about 110 and settled there for a while. I pulled into a car park and popped the bonnet, while it ticked over it cooled back down to 90 although the fans didn't come on. Let it sit for a while to let the kids play and on the way back home it did the same again - 20 miles ok then up to 110 then steady 110 until i got home where it went back to 90 at tickover? Had a quick search on here last night and it sounds like the water pump is on it's way out? Phoned a mechanic who's quoted me
  8. Hello from Northern Ireland Noobie, I've had an 04 Seat Alhambra STDi for about 6 months. It's been a nice drive although there's a couple of hopefully minor issues - Air Conn is poor, a ticking noise on left hand corners and a strange overheating problem which started today. Hopefully it's nothing too serious and you guys can point me in the right direction to get it sorted. :rolleyes:
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