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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by pms121

  1. pms121


    Ok I've cracked it I've done 257 miles on 1 gallon. The wife and kids are knackered and are starting to refuse to push the car any further. I look and see the benefits kids are fit and off of the play station and the wife's a$
  2. Try the Post office I got mine down to
  3. Hi Thank you all for the welcome. having had a good look round on here I guess I best buy a new toolkit, RAC membership and a workshop manual. Seriously though its a 2.0GLX done 112,000 miles full service history bar the last 2 years the aircon works as do the wipers so thats a bonus, I do know the radio is shot so its either sing (not a good option) or trip to halfauds or the brakers yard and get an aorigional fraud cd / radio I was going to get the windows tinted but may well hold on and see what needs sorting.
  4. Hi The Big day's nearly here. This friday I'll get my first Gal, She's not new but she's my own (no more company cars freedom at last) the downside is I forgot how much insurance and road tax is!! So this weekend its a case of getting to know her and having fun here in Cornwall.
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