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I know everybody seems to have had this problem befor and that it is dealt with in many mails but does anyone have diagrams or pictures to help me find the scuttle drains. I know that it is possible to remove something in the wheel arch but it is not held in by screws so is not so easy


all advice greatlyappreciated.




Here is a graphic description, the pictures that I'm sure were in the thread appear to have been removed - probably linked to and extternal site.



removing plastic from wing


right to do the scuttle drains is an easy job

1 jack up car and remove wheel

2 undo all the star screws holding on the arch liner

3 pull down the arch liner

4 you will see the scuttle drain to your left under the wing it,s a small square plastic bung with a rubber flap on it

5 eihter remove the rubber flap or as i did just take the whole thing out as it,s only clipped in

6 reverse of the above 3 to1 and do this both sides

and your problem should be sorted

hope this helps :16:

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