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  2. As with everything, things change and life goes on, hosting providers do updates and do not tell you, you back up your data but that is pointless as it is not compatible with the new updates on the server, they turn features off that you need to update easily in the name of safety 😞 Going into covid sent people into a spiral I change hosting for better results and got worse results, the database was totally useless, the info was there but it would not translate, in my spare time I have rebuilt the database from scratch to allow the upgrade to happen, then the biggest killer of all is the hard drive that held all the images and uploads to the site decided to fail, I will work on retrieving them but its taken me 9 months to rebuild the database and I have still got lost data. Sorry guys who used this forum daily but I hope if nothing else its a repository of useful information for those that need it 😄
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